Welcome to October! Okay, where has the year gone? In just over a month I will be 61, we will have Thanksgiving, and then the rush towards Christmas will be underway!
Here’s what’s happening in my little corner of the world!
1. The week started quite busily, with my doctor’s appointment and tests. I still have no test results, which I admit is quite frustrating.
2. I’ve been enjoying the changing colors of the leaves around me. I am guessing it will be another two weeks until we are at full peak color. Then I will be out taking pictures every day.
3. I am still just heartsick about the plane crash this week. People out for a good time flying in this antique plane and now seven men are gone. I think the fact that I had seen that plane, been inside of it, makes me feel that closer to its demise.
4. It seems that today I have been having one visit after another from Mr. Cardinal. He also brought his Mrs. I’ve been trying to get a good picture of them, but each time I try to Lili moves, which they see and they fly off. But today I finally got a very nice picture of Mr. Cardinal. Isn’t he handsome?
Although this is not the best shot, you can see Mr. & Mrs. Cardinal!
5. It had to be done. Today, October 3rd I turned on the heat. Everything is working fine and it took the chill off the house. After I turned the heat on, our oil truck delivered a tankful. So, we are now $450.00 poorer! Oh well…At least we will be warm!
Nice photos of the birds. Glad the house is warm.
We don’t have any Cardinal like bird here. While not always, so often the male bird is prettier than the female. Your heating is on and so is ours tonight, but it won’t be long before we need cooling.