Happy Birthday To Me!

I started my life sixty-one years ago on a cold and blustery day. I weighed 9 lbs and one ounce and my (not even 5 feet tall), mother swears I nearly killed her.

img089Cute, huh?

Of course, being born at noon meant that she was back in her room in time for lunch. Lunch that day was a turkey sandwich! So I didn’t wreck her day completely.


I was the youngest of three children and you know what they say, the youngest is the most spoiled.


I didn’t feel that way, of course, as there seemed to be an expectation to excel. I did try for a while and then when I hit my teens I went in the opposite direction and rebelled!


I may not always have made the best choices in my life, but somehow I made my way and I was blessed with two daughters

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and now Savannah and Quinn.


Hmmm! Sixty-one! Imagine that? I remember as a kid when my grandmother and then my mother were this age. Somehow they seemed like old ladies! I certainly don’t feel like that. There is so much left that I want to do!

me copy 2

So, Happy Birthday to me!

I really do feel quite blessed in this life.

9 thoughts on “Happy Birthday To Me!”

  1. A very happy birthday to you dearest and it has been so nice to get to know you. I like the wet hair swimming photo of you. I remember my maternal grandmother being grey haired at the age of 40 and always old.

  2. Happy birthday, hope you had a wonderful day. I too remember my grandmothers being in their late 50’s and they were old! Nowadays people live longer and look a lot younger 🙂

  3. What a neat write-up!!~~so happy to send you wonderful good wishes and much joy, on this special day and always!! love from Linda, larry and Lady!!!

  4. Happy birthday to my dear friend. Wishing you a day filled with happiness and joy. I loved your post and the pictures. I am so grateful that I have been in your life for so many years! Who’s counting anyway! LOL

  5. Happy Birthday and enjoy every minute. Hug those babies and tell them you love them even when they are tires of hearing you say it.

  6. A very happy Birthday to you !! You are still young what should I say with my 76 year old bones ! I dont care about my âge as long as I am able to enjoy life as I used to do ! Maybe I have to slow down à bit but certainly not my mind

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