The weekend was a good one here in New Hampshire. We had temperatures in the mid 50’s which helped to melt a lot of the ice and snow. Oh, we still have snow on the grassy areas of the yard. However, the driveway and walkways are free and clear of ice and snow!
We watched another full season of Homeland as we prepare for February 9th debut of Season 8 of the series.
This is the last season for Homeland and I will miss it. That being said, I must tell you that as I have rewatched this show, I am finding all sorts of little things that I had simply missed the first time around.
I also did some crocheting, laundry, and the usual cooking. I discovered something new. Turkey Cutlets. They were in our meat case at the Supermarket and they were easy to prepare. I love it when I find something new.
This is a big week ahead. I have two doctors appointments for me and one for Anneliese. Best of all, one of the appointments is for my eyes. It’s been a while since I had my eyes checked and quite honestly, although I like these frames, I have never felt that the prescription was correct. So, goodbye Lens Crafters and Hello Dr. M.
At least with all the driving, I will be doing I don’t have to worry about snow.
Glad you enjoyed the nice weather. I am not a fan of snow.