The Mouse, The Leak & The Plumber

My usual posting was interrupted yesterday by the plumber.

A few weeks ago I noticed a little puddle on the floor under the sink in the laundry room. I mentioned this to Jack and he said he’d reseat the pipe.

Unfortunately, this did not work. By Sunday we had a lot of water on the floor. And no bucket or anything was clearing it or holding it.

So on Monday, we called our Plumber. He has done odds and ends for us for years now, and he came along with his apprentice.

Next, I heard drilling. That is never a good sign. But I didn’t want to know until it was over.

We have under the floor heating, with rubber-type piping. This same kind of piping/hose goes to the sinks, washer, dishwasher, etc.

A little mouse had managed to squeeze through an infinitesimal hole around the drain pipe.


Then the little bugger was hungry and chewed a small hole in the pipe/hose. It is my greatest hope that this gave the rodent indigestion which led to his demise!

So, the leak is fixed and now we need to get a sheet rocker in here to repair the hole left by our plumber!

The joys of homeownership!

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3 thoughts on “The Mouse, The Leak & The Plumber”

  1. Interesting. Here in floor heating would be electric cables to warm a concrete slab. Is yours like that? I am not sure if that method is still used. Your leak has been solved, so that is good. Sheet rocker!!! Maybe we call such a tradesperson a plasterer? It’s amazing how many different words we have for things.

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