Well, I’m quite simply, ready for Spring!
I woke on Saturday morning to -14 degrees! I put on my down parka, hat and gloves, Then dressed Heidi in her sweater, hooked on the leash, and went out for our first walk of the day. Heidi took three steps and quickly did her business and then ran back inside, and curled up in the blanket. I followed. At 5:30 AM, I wasn’t quite ready to get up.
Later on, I saw that I had a ton of mail. As much as I didn’t want to go out, I bundled up and went to get the mail. I was happy that I had brought my tote bag as I had a full mailbox plus packages. (One package contained 2 Covid 19 tests I had ordered before the Biden Give-a-way!
I finally started back on my healthy eating plan, and so I have been a bit grumpy. I think the first week off of all sugar products is the hardest.
Heidi is doing very well. She is almost sleeping through the night and despite the bitter cold, she is asking to go out.
Those of us in the deep freeze, stay warm, and everyone else, I am jealous of your warm temperatures!
I really don’t mind winter. I find the heat of the summer harder on my health. I spend most of my time indoors. Temps inside stay pretty much the same year round.
Heidi is beautiful