On our way home from the Zuchtschau, Barbie and I took Anneliese to visit her Grandmother. Asta is owned by Jurgen and Lore and they invited Barbie and I to spend the night with them on Sunday.
It was raining cats and dogs as we drove along the country roads of upstate New York. We could see almost nothing. The GPS did the navigation, and we pulled into their driveway just after 1 o’clock.
Jurgen and Lore’s home is truly a sanctuary for all the animals of the wild, including the most wonderful herd of deer. I found myself sitting in front of the picture windows snapping picture after picture of those precious beasts.
Anneliese got to meet her grandmother, Asta, and she also got to rest. Barbie, Anneliese and myself were all feeling a bit weary after the Zuchtschau and Lore and Jurgen’s home was so warm and welcoming to us.
That night I climbed into the large and comfortable queen sized bed and sank into the softness of the down comforter. I slept as though I hadn’t slept in years. A true respite from the world.
The leaves were just changing and the next day as we drove home from there we oohed and aaahed at the beauty around us.
Really Lovely! It sure looks like a wonderful, restful home. The deer are such beautiful creatures and you captured the feel of your visit for all of us to enjoy! Thanks! Love YOU, Mel
What a beautiful home and yard! Wow!
Glad you got this nice visit on your way home. You must be even more glad to actually be home! 🙂 Now if we could just get some sunshine! 🙂
Love you,
That must be a beautiful place !!
Sounds like such a beautiful place. 🙂 GPS are great, I need to get one. My friend had his in CA and it was the best.
Ohhhhh what a pleasant surprise of a getaway! How wonderful! You tricked me though – I thought the slide show was going to be a movie… oops… Great pictures though!
I feel like in wonderland – photos and music – so in harmony.
A gift for an overworked “young” man.
Ah, such a lovely place to rest at! What a treat.
We must get a GPS soon too, they’re really useful. And we have drove the wrong way several times lately…. Can’t be the age???!!! Nooooo…. *giggles*
That was lovely… I want to go and visit now!!!