Is She? Or Isn’t She?

Okay gang, today is the day! I take Anneliese in at Noon for her exam. Hubby proclaims that she is not pregnant, but I am still holding out hope that she has little biscuits in her oven! (Puppies in the belly)

It is 38 days now since she was bred. The puppies should be large enough to see (I think) and definitely we should be able to see their little tiny hearts beating.  (Be still my own heart!)

I was looking at pictures of Anneliese from her last litter, at the same time in her pregnancy and she looks JUST like she did then. Here is a picture from Day 38 in March of 2009.

April 6 032

And here she is now, July 2010.

July 10 003

Here is another one in March 2009.

March 26 006

And now, July 2010.

July 10 004

Okay, so what do you think? The more I look at her and the pictures from her last pregnancy, the more convinced I am that she is pregnant.

As I said, our appointment is at Noon. They will do the ultrasound then, and we will know if she is pregnant or not. Keep your fingers and toes crossed and I will post when I get home!

6 thoughts on “Is She? Or Isn’t She?”

  1. The TOP set makes me want to say YES! But the bottom set makes me not so sure… I’m going to vote YES. But I’m anxiously awaiting verification!

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