It’s Official!

I took Anneliese in this noontime and they did the ultrasound and she is, indeed pregnant! I saw extremely tiny fetuses with even tinier beating hearts! It was too sweet! Here is a picture of what a fetus looks like at this stage of the game. This is just for demonstration purposes.


If you’d like to see a short video of a canine fetus at this stage follow this link and you will see a great, short video!

We’ll be going back in 10 days to take another look and find out if we can determine how many pups she actually has in there.

All I can say is Yay, Yay, Yay!!!!!!!

8 thoughts on “It’s Official!”

  1. I’ll say YAAAAAAAAAAY! It would just be TOO sad to travel ALL the WAY to Germany and NOT get puppies! Congratulations!!!

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