Anneliese & Maribeth

Monday, I took Anneliese in for her exam at the Veterinarian’s Office. Yes, it is one pup. The pup is good size, but looks like she can deliver it okay. The head was about 1 inch across, and Anneliese’s birth canal is about 1 and 3/4 inches across so the baby should be able to pass through. She is due at the end of this week and we are all waiting. I’m taking her temperature twice a day, waiting for it to drop (this indicates the start of her labor). Hopefully it won’t happen until Thursday or Friday because…

Tuesday morning I must go in and have a surgical procedure done to my right eye. They believe that my retina is tearing away from the back of the eye again and I hope all I will need is some laser surgery and I’ll be right as can be!

You see, over the weekend I began to have some vision problems and today I called Dr. C.’s office and they arranged for me to come in today. Please wish me luck and hold a good thought for a positive outcome!

So that’s where we are today. Anneliese expecting one baby and Maribeth expecting another eye surgery!

8 thoughts on “Anneliese & Maribeth”

  1. ohmygosh! I hope that you are resting comfortably tonight and that your eye procedure went ok…….and fingers crossed a new pup by this weekend!

  2. Hello Maribeth,i,m a breeder from Dachshunds and i live in the Netherlands.
    I,m reading your blog and i find him verry nice.
    I wish you good luck with the birth off the puppy(s)and i hope you come look some time on my blog.

    Greetings from Anita

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