The Eye…Again!

I went in on Tuesday and saw my Retinal Surgeon. My retina is still in place, but I have quite a bit of vitreous gel in my eye causing these crazy symptoms. Great, I thought, no problem there, but my doctor cautioned me that we are not out of the woods yet and we must monitor the eye carefully.You see the vitreous gel can actually pull at and cause a retinal detachment!

I need to report any new symptoms, as a blow to the head or shaking of the head can, in fact, cause a retinal detachment. No heavy lifting or strenuous behavior either. I go back to see him in four weeks, or sooner if things get worse.

I grabbed a quick breakfast before Hubby and I drove back home arriving just before lunch. The dogs were overjoyed to see us and it was good to be home. I took a little nap after lunch, and I tried to figure out how to live with this “eye thing” having over me?


Meanwhile, I am still having problems with my “Host”. So if you log in and can’t get on, please come back and try again later. I have been yelling wildly working with my host provider to get my blog moved over to a more reliable server, as the one that they currently have me on keeps going down…daily! How long I will put up with this madness is anyone’s guess.

7 thoughts on “The Eye…Again!”

  1. So sorry about the eye thing! That´s terrible, especially with the birth coming up. Do be careful and take it easy for the next days, ok?

  2. I have not had any problems getting into your blog… when I have TIME to get into your blog! But maybe I’m just missing those down times… LUCKY ME!

    Sorry to hear about your eye… how frustrating that must be. I hope it clears up – did he give you anything? Drops or something? I’m praying for you…

  3. That’s terrible to have troubles with the eyes. I hope you get the right treatment to make it better ! My neighbor Vivienne has a retina detatchment and gets a shot once a months to stop it. It became already better. Last time I drove her and the doctor showed me the “pictures” of before the treatment started and how it is now. She is very happy with the result because she also was very worried. Suddenly I took the decision to have my eyes checked, it’s certainly 3 years that I hadn’t done it.
    The count down for Anneliese starts ! Boy or girl ?

  4. Yikes, scary!

    This week has been a bit crazy with my sister and her kids here – I’ll give you a call next week to check on you and Anneliese.

    PS Have you ever been to the weekly market in L*? I’m thinking of going tomorrow and am wondering if it’s worth shlepping everyone over there?

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