Australian Lamb!

Well, we did it. Hubby and I went out on Monday to grocery shop, for the first time since the holidays! It was a big shopping and we spent a lot of money (thank goodness for plastic, I would hate to have to carry that much cash), and we loaded the car up with all sorts of foods, both fresh and packaged.

I love having Hubby come with me on these jaunts. He is great selecting meats and poultry, and he really knows his produce! He also knows me well enough, so that when I say, “Oh I need that stuff, you know”, he actually knows.

We both remembered “The List“, and because we remembered it, we remembered to get a new flashlight for yours truly!

Ever since the Coyote and bear episodes this fall, I have taken the dackels out at night and used a flash-light. My old light, is so bad that I was constantly shaking it to get any light at all, and then, it would go out again.  A candle would have given me more light than the flashlight did!

We got a super duper, extra large, super lumen flashlight that has a great bright beam! I can see all the way up to my neighbors house with it!

The other great part of our day was that when we went into BJ’s Warehouse to shop they had wonderful Australian lamb for $2.99 a pound! Yes, you read that right! $2.99 a pound! We bought 5 packages of them and froze 4 and have kept out 1 package for our dinner tonight! Lamb has been so expensive, that I cannot even recall the last time we bought lamb.

Since I enjoy lamb with mint jelly, I bought a new jar today. Oh I can hardly wait for dinner tonight! Lamb, roasted potatoes and cauliflower! Oh yummy!!!

Life is good!

6 thoughts on “Australian Lamb!”

  1. Must be a great product there!!! :p

    I actually JUST got back from the supermarket, where I got some lamb also, except, it was $36.95/kg!!!!

    AND, its still likely to go up given the flooding…

  2. I LOVE lamb!!! I’ll have to look at BJ here and see if they have any! Love YOU, (more than Lamb) Mel

  3. We love lamb too…love it butterflied with garlic and rosemary on the grill and I love lambchops. I’ll have to see what it is here…recently it was almost $12/lb…$2.99 sounds great!

  4. Don’t really like lamb too much. But I am hungry now anyway. 🙂
    I am back at work since yesterday and can now check the Blogs again every day. 🙂

  5. That’s a real good price ! Mr. G hates shopping since we are married and never comes with me ! and if I give him a shopping list he brings all kind of useless stuff except what was on the list (or nearly) lol !

  6. Hope your dinner was delicious. My husband always does the Costco shopping which I love. I just can’t load it all in the car or unload it when we get home!

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