
I think there are times in our lives when we are reminded with a swift kick to our gut, about what is really important.

Last Tuesday my friend, Carol was operated on to have her knee replaced. Heck, Hubby has had it done, and a few of our friends. So when she went in, I sort of knew what to expect.

On Wednesday morning I went to see her, arriving about the time that they were reviving her from the brink of death!

I prayed so hard that she would be well, and it was several hours until her husband called me to let me know that she was okay…finally…but it had been a close call. As tears fell down my cheeks, I thanked God!

It seems she had that one in a million deadly reaction to the anesthesia she had been given. The kind where you go to sleep but don’t wake up! You know, I have heard about it before, but never known anyone who had such a problem, until now.

The other thing I learned was just how deep my feelings are for this dear friend. She is like a sister to me and I love her.

Friday I was able to go into see her at the hospital, and she is doing so much better. Her color is good and she was getting out later in the day. I sat there with Carol and her sister, and shared some time. Then another friend arrived, so I left, because I didn’t want to tire her.

The bottom line here is that all of this has reminded me how important our friends are in our lives. Like our family, these dear people hold a place in our hearts that no one else can fill. I am so thankful for Carol’s recovery!

4 thoughts on “Friends”

  1. Your are so right girl. Friends are just as important than family, at least for me. My life would be so sad without friends.
    Glad Carol will be ok, and hope she continues to recover!

  2. This is very true. I always say friends you choose, family you inherit. It’s good that she is better now ! Anesthesia can sometimes be very dangerous. Dario had the opposite, when he woke up he got crazy, broke chairs and banged his head against the wall until he bleeded like crazy ! It took 4 males nurses to hold him and give him a shot to calm him down. Ever since in his health file the name of this anesthesia is mentioned as dangerous to him. And he only had 4 teeth removed !

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