
Once again, Monday found sunny skies and temperatures up in the 70’s! It seems we went from winter to late spring. Although, we do have some roads that are really, really, muddy. True, we actually live in a part of the world where we have an official “MUD SEASON”.

Mud Season happens when you have a multitude of dirt roads which become deep, sloppy, mess’s, which look like giant vats of chocolate. Sadly, if you should fall into it, it does not taste like chocolate at all! The mud will also suck your car in, right up to it’s axels!

Most of the day today I was busy Networking the house. I have so many things in this house that had to get locked down in the wireless settings. I think I may have to unlock and then relock the TV, as I haven’t been able to access my movies on demand since I did this.

Because it was so nice, I decided to take the two pups, Arnie and Anneliese out for a walk. I leashed them, and off we went for a nice walk. Not only did we have fun, but it was absolutely beautiful!

Hubby’s pruning the fruit trees, as we have no snow at all, and he figures, now’s the time. The trees that really needed to be cut back were the Cherry Trees. I need to get my planting dirt and get my little planters out so I can start germinating seeds.

Oh yes! I am starting to feel “Spring-ish! Oh let the warm temperatures come and the sun shine!

3 thoughts on “Spring?”

  1. It sure is wonderful to have so much warm weather! Not so much for the end of ski season though! It is foggy here this morning but oh so warm. Love YOU,Mel

  2. Now that I think of it, I have recently accomplished some things that really did put a spring in my step!
    My problem is that when I try to go to sleep I keep thinking about the problem and then Can’t go to sleep!

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