Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. The first day of spring is here…do you enjoy working in the yard? Weeding, raking, mowing, planting-your favorite springtime garden chore? How about your least favorite?

I love planting the garden, and planning it. I am not a fan of weeding the garden, but it made such a difference last year! We still have butternut squash left!

2. What puts a spring in your step?

When I fully understand something, when I accomplish something and anticipating my granddaughter!

3. Describe a time when you had to spring into action?

It was Easter a couple years ago and my cousin had brought home made yeast rolls with her to make, in a cast iron skillet. A (I think it was) dish towel got too close to the stove (gas) and the towel started to burn! I grabbed it, tossed it in the sink and turned on the water.

4. We’re having carrots for dinner…would you prefer yours raw or cooked?

Either way. Raw I like the baby carrots, cooked I like sliced big carrots.

5. Do you take the shampoos and other sundries from your hotel room when its time to check out?

I used to. I brought them home to have here for my guests. Now I have quite a little stash, so I have stopped doing this.

6. What’s the most enjoyable team or club you’ve belonged to and what was it that made it so?

Back when Hubby and I were first married, Hubby had several commuter apartments, that he shared with other pilots. The one in Miami was my favorite, due to the warm weather and the great group of guys. They all treated me like their little sister and sort of looked out for me.

7. Is cloning a sign of progress?

No. Heaven help us if someone ever clones me! I think we are not necessarily a product of our genes, but more a product of our experiences.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Here I am. Yesterday I was going nuts because I could not make my “Smart TV” talk to Amazon. I tried all afternoon and it was choked up! Finally at 8 o’clock I told Hubby I was going to stop working on it and sleep on the problem. It seems lately, when I do that, I can see the problem and it all works out!

So I did that and this morning, I got up, turned on the TV and attempted to connect to Amazon to watch a free TV show (The pilot episode of NYPD Blue), and it worked! Hubby was shocked!

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