November 30
I slept so soundly last night that I woke feeling very refreshed. So I got out of bed, dressed, and was very happy that I did not wake Jack. I slipped out of our cabin and walked over to the 24 hour buffet where I had a nice cup of coffee.
I lingered for a bit, then grabbed a coffee for Jack and breakfast tea for myself. I walked so carefully back from the buffet, so I didn’t spill the coffee and tea, thus giving me great appreciation to every flight attendant who serves drinks while an airplane is swaying.
I managed to get back to our cabin, opened the door, came inside and then…I stubbed my index toe on the sofa! I screamed inside, (silently) so as not to wake Jack. What a good wife I am!
The ship is due in to St. Kitts at 10 AM Island time (1 hour ahead of the east coast), and we shall hop the sugar train for a three hour tour of the inland.
A few things I have notices on this trip. Probably the first thing is that no one is using strong sunscreen, and very few are wearing a hat. So, dinner tends to be in a room filled with bright red lobster people! I so want to sit down and give a public service announcement about the dangers of ‘unprotected sun exposure’, but I know it would not be welcome.
Second, the theme from Gilligan’s Island keeps playing in my head! Not sure why, as this has been a wonderful and uneventful voyage. Still, the song is there!
In the early morning when I have my tea, it is the same people in the buffet sitting area. Some read, some are writing on their computers and some are having an early breakfast. I always wait for Jack.
I went to and checked out refrigerators yesterday. All I need are the dimensions of our current fridge and we can stop at Lowes, and order a new one. Thank goodness for our house/doggy sitter and his Dad, who got everything out of the upstairs fridge and into our small fridge in the basement.
Yesterday I forgot to mention the wonderful Orchid Gardens. It was spectacular. They were having a wedding there amongst the orchid gardens and that was beautiful. Unfortunately, I did not get a picture of the bride, but I spoke to the groom and he was a sweet, handsome, man!
On our cruise, I think the average median age is 65-70 years old. This means two things. I am often the youngest person in a group, and for me, who likes to zip around, I am often behind someone who is walking soooo slowly. I remind myself, that this is the way it is and I should relax, but I have now found ways to bee-bop around the ship with no one in front of me!
All for now!