Thursday 13 #32

13 Things That Made My Week Really Happy!


1. Seeing the puppies born this week.
2. Helping to revive the babies after their birth.
3. Knowing that Greta would be okay after her surgery.
4. Seeing how quickly the puppies continue to grow!
5. Seeing what a great mother Greta is.
6. Getting my Christmas letter written and printed out.
7. Getting all the Christmas cards addressed and mailed.
8. Finishing up my baking.
9. Delivering my goodies to my neighbors.
10. Having Fritz do well with the entire puppy experiance. At least, so far.
11. Getting the Christmas lights up.
12. Did I mention the puppies?
13. Having a dream of mine fulfilled.

8 thoughts on “Thursday 13 #32”

  1. Puppies… *warm fuzzy feelings*

    Warmth welcome to my Crack Me Up Party on Friday 15 dec! Prepare some joke or some fun to bring and to have FUN 🙂 Tell everybody to come!

    Read more at my blog…

  2. Let me guess…I like to find out just how little I know.

    With purebreds, if they are papered, the kennel gives them their name, right?
    I know the list of names you asked for earlier, was for the one pup you were going to keep.
    You put the ribbon on the dog to correspond with the details of the birth…like number and time of day etc.
    How’d I do boss?

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