I’m A Hottie!

I rolled over at 7:30 and tried not to wake up. Since I began this “get in shape” routine, last week, I have worked out every day but Sunday. I am getting good results already, but the feeling of being overwhelmingly exhausted has not left me. I also find that lifting my legs to walk up the stairs is a real ordeal. Okay, maybe it’s too soon to say that the results are good.

As I sat in the ladies locker room at the health club, after my shower this morning, I felt a sudden rush of heat. Yes, there is nothing more delightful than a hot flash after a hard workout and shower.

That was when I laughed.

Yes, I think I have lost my mind. Suddenly hot flashes seemed extraordinarily humorous to me. You see, I spent most all of my life feeling cold. My brother in-law once teased me about wearing knee socks in the summer, but quite honestly I needed them. I was also the woman who has slept next to Hubby all these years in the summer, when he is completely naked and sweating and there I lie in flannel pajamas, socks and a comforter! So this new body change, called a “hot flash” is a real hoot.

hot flashes

I’m not claiming that suddenly I am like 99.9% of the population in the world. I still have cold feet, and I still wear flannel to bed. It’s just that I have these moments when I feel as if I have run a marathon on a hot summer day and my face is red and the sweat is pouring off my brow.

They bothered me at first and then one day, I realized that these “hot flashes” actually crack me up! I mean this is definitely a great example of the good Lord having a sense of humor! And…..that the good Lord is a man!

6 thoughts on “I’m A Hottie!”

  1. Oh how I hated them. I still get them but fewer and further apart now. I was always “hot” even as a kid so that’s the last da*m thing I ever needed…Oh well, we all learn to live with it…hehehe

  2. This was a hoot! I was laughing so hard reading it. I woke up having a power surge myself this morning and kept at it till I went outside to feed the birds and it was nice and cool out there. AHHHHHH!

  3. The funny thing about ‘power surges’ is how they come on so quickly, but usually after a small amount of very minor exertion, and you have sweat literally running off your face. I get them often now and I feel like such a dork!

    It causes me to ensure I am early to meetings, early to church etc. because any amount of minor exertion, i.e. rushing down the hall, trying to set up my laptop to the projector will cause one to come on and it is so embarrassing.

    LOL at your post!

  4. Oy, I can’t imagine hot flashes coupled with the 90+ stairs I have to climb daily. I think I’d spontaneously combust!

  5. You crack me up!!
    My mom didn’t have hot flashes so I am hoping I won’t either. And if I do, I will remember this post!!! I am at any rate in that age bracket already 🙂 and feeling wonderful!

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