4 Weeks Old!

Can you believe it? The babies are 4 weeks old now! I sat by their box today watching them play with each other and walk around the box. They’re still wobbly, but they are also getting stronger every day, and they are starting to bark like real doggies!

My little babies were treated to company today as their Auntie Janet and Auntie Loo came to visit. It was so much fun playing with the puppies, listening to them bark and snuggling with them. Of course I had to check their pockets when they left to make sure they hadn’t tried to sneak out any of my little ones!

Jan 7 024

So here are a few pictures of the puppies from today. I gave them their first puppy toys and they absolutely loved them!

Jan 7 Angelika

Jan 7 Anya

This is going waaaaay too fast!

5 thoughts on “4 Weeks Old!”

  1. Thank you so much! It’s amazing what those little munchkin butts can do to your stress level. I still have a big smile on my face just thinking about them. It just might fix my bad attitude at work for the week!

  2. Ever since I got a puppy about a year and a half ago, I am sucker for all things dog. I loved the little film of your pups.

  3. When I was playing the video. Gizmo’s ears perked up and he started to growl. He never does that! He probably couldn’t figure out where it was coming from..lol!

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