This And That Sunday

I woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. I got the leashes and walked the pups, who were having so much fun in the snow that they didn’t want to think about why we were there. I finally got them to “concentrate”, and then we came in to play.

I now have my morning routine down. I set up the coffee maker the night before, so when I am on the way out the door with the puppies, I flip on the coffee maker. When I come back in the coffee is made. Ahhhhhh!

So back to today. I sat down, turned on my computer and let it boot up. Once I downloaded my email I realized that I hadn’t written anything for today’s entry! Oh no! How could that be? Call it exhaustion from my never ending cold. It is my only excuse. That, and now that I am the mother of two 15 week old puppies, I am busy from morning until night!

For those of you who have asked how “Uncle” Fritz is doing with the two babies, I thought I would end today’s post with three pictures of him playing with Arnie.

March 25 003

March 25 007

March 25 006

8 thoughts on “This And That Sunday”

  1. Well those photos are priceless. Good old Uncle Fritz has a heart made of cotton candy 🙂 Also those puppies are gonna keep him young.
    You got snow? WOW! Been raining here for days. Thinking of building an ark 🙂 Gonna be a high of 80 today. Just isn’t right this early in the year…not in Indiana anyway.
    Have a great day!

  2. What a delight these pictures are! Fritz – so huge………Arnie – so tiny. It is adorable to see them together like this.


  3. Hey my post today was THIS AND THAT too except I called it DIS and DAT! lol

    Fritz and Arnie look like they are getting along fabulously. Is Fritz still top male dog? BTW is Greta the alpha female or is Fritz the alpha male in your pack anyways?

    We had some snow yesterday too but it’s mostly gone again by the end of today! Yay to that!

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