1. Question day this week lands on Cinco de Mayo. Are/were tacos on your Tuesday night menu? Hardshell, soft shell or just gimme all the tacos? Are you even a fan of Mexican food? Do you like your salsa mild, spicy, or somewhere in between? Margaritas-Frozen, on the rocks, or no thank you? Have you ever been to Mexico
I love Mexican food, but right now, it has no place on my menu (for me). I plan to make Jack hardshell tacos, with refried beans, spicy salsa, and guacamole.
I have been to Mexico three times and have gotten sick all three times. So, it is no longer on my list of destinations.
2. What’s something you may do this month?
I hope I am able to buy some baby plants. Tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini, and summer squash. I would love a little garden to tend during this Pandemic.
3. Tell us what’s happening in your state or town as far as restaurants, salons, parks, beaches, businesses opening up. How do you feel about it? Are you out and about or hunkered down? Do you wear a mask?
First, yes I always wear a mask. I also wear gloves and I change gloves often. Our State is opening very slowly. Hair salons can open with a long list of regulations. Our beaches are still closed, but that isn’t too bad because it is still cold up here.
I am still hunkered down. When I go out I still wear protective gear and wash, wash, wash my poor dried up hands. I think they’re moving too fast.
That being said, New Hampshire is very much a tourist destination. People from New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts have summer homes up here. As they return, our numbers are soaring.
4. Mother nature, everybody and their mother, mom jeans, like mother like daughter, soccer mom, mother hen, mother lode, necessity is the mother of invention, stay-at-home mom…pick one and tell us how it applies to your life right now.
It’s getting pretty around here, so I will pick Mother Nature. Once we get through “Mud-Season” New Hampshire is quite lovely. In another two weeks, our fruit trees should be blossoming.
5. April showers bring May flowers…what’s blooming in your yard or garden today?
But there are tiny buds on our Apple, Peach, and pear trees. Soon…
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I’m tired. I’m really tired.
Not just physically tired, but some days I am just weary. In the last few days, I have felt this quite a bit. It’s an effort just to keep everything going.
6. I’ll have a crack at a phrase to describe how you and many of us feeling. Lock-down lethargy.
New Hampshire is so beautiful. We spent time there on our honeymoon and vacationing when the kids were little. I have always wanted to go back but I don’t see traveling any time in the near future. I agree it feels like such an effort to keep things going. It is tiring to constantly think about all of this. Our weather seems to finally be warming up so hopefully yours will be soon. It helps to have sunny days and to hear the birds chirping 🙂
I think you are not alone in your weariness. I grocery shopped yesterday and find the task absolutely exhausting these days. Our weather has changed and that has helped so hopefully yours isn’t far behind. Gardening is good for the soul and I hope you get to start one this year. Take care.
Your forsythia is so pretty. I love seeing that bright yellow around here too. Hope you feel better soon.
I am feeling that same weariness. I think some nice weather would go a long way toward relieving it, but the cold, wet weather just won’t let go of us. Our apple tree is in full bloom, though. I was so happy to see that this week. Ha! I’m glad I’m wnot the only one that thinks of spring and it’s rains as “mud season.”
Have a good day!
Hope your weariness can be replaced with some energy and joy. Tough times! I love seeing that forsythia. Such a bright sign of Spring. Praying May will be merry soon!
I think we are all feeling the effects.