The Week That Was (Or Will Be!)

I got a call from the hospital today asking to pre-register me for my upcoming surgery on Wednesday. Fine, I said, let’s do it. So we went through a list of questions.

Name: Maribeth

Date of Birth: November 17, 1958

Next of kin: Hubby

Primary Care Doctor: Dr. C.

Insurance: Yes.

Did I want to sign up for a new program that involves setting up an automatic payment with a credit card once the Insurance company has paid their share?

Hm. I had to think. What is the advantage?

Well, the advantage is that after the Insurance company pays their share we get a 20% discount off of what we must pay. By using the credit card we save them having to bill us.

I talked to Hubby about it over lunch and we decided to go with it.


I had no sooner hung up the phone with the Hospital Office Personnel, than my phone rang again and it was the Operating Room Scheduling Nurse. She told me that my surgery will be at 1 PM on Wednesday which means Hubby has to have me there by noon. Then she needed to ask me her questions.

Medications: Yes.

Diabetic: No.

Smoker: No.

Drinker: No.

In four short questions this woman learned that I am a totally boring woman who drinks tea.

She told me I could have nothing to eat after midnight, although one 8 ounce glass of apple juice was allowed. Gee, isn’t that nice!


Once I was done with her I was starting to make Hubby his favorite potato salad, when the phone rang again. It was my dentists office reminding me that I have an appointment tomorrow. Yep, I knew that! It’s on my long list of things I am doing this week.

I finished that, made lunch and once that was done Hubby left to go work on one of our town parks, and I finished making the potato salad.

The phone rang again, and it was my hair stylists office reminding me of my appointment with her tomorrow directly after my dental appointment. Yes, I must be beautiful for my plastic surgeon! LOL!


Then Greta and I were off to the Vet for her exam. She is doing better, but still has a little mastitis and must be on antibiotics another week. She was a very happy girl to go out for a ride in the car, and to see everyone at the Vets office.


Arriving home we met up with Hubby and now we’re cooking out the last of our marinated chicken breasts for dinner. Tonight is an easy meal night, and then tomorrow I will cook a little so that on Wednesday when I get home I can just sit and Hubby can wait on me!


So life is busy, and I am trying very hard to keep things in balance all this week. I have to say, things are not usually so chaotic. It’s not that I am a lazy person, far from it, as I have four dogs and a husband to keep up with, but I do like my tranquility, my slow paced life and I will be glad when it is mid July and I am back to living my normal, quite existence.

7 thoughts on “The Week That Was (Or Will Be!)”

  1. Geez, what a lot of questions and preparation for this surgery ! I had an appointment, went, got locally aenesthesised, doctor took the thing out closed with 3 stitches and that was it. Anyway good luck ! while you are in hospital I am on the way home !

  2. Hi Mom,

    Wow, sounds like you are very busy! I can understand that one! I really needed a week off to complete this move. M and I got lots done, but there is still a good amount of work to do (and I would much rather be finishing this off than sitting in my office, and working on my deadlines here). Alas, duty calls!

    I’m sorry M & I will not be able to make it down for the party. I think I already mentioned, but we had committed to a wedding reception for one of his cousins in RI.

    Good luck with all, and I will give you a buzz on my way home tonight.

    Love you lots,


  3. I SEEK your normal quiet peaceful existence. I have never attained it… but I keep seeking! By the way… how can you POSSIBLY think you are a boring person just because you don’t SMOKE or DRINK??? Smoking is repulsive – not exciting! Drinking is as well done with a glass of iced tea or a Pepsi as it is with a beer or a Margarita! LOL! I know you’re a BLAST! I would love to party with you! And… you will be in my prayers on Wednesday – I know it will all go well!

  4. What an efficient way to know all about you – just a few questions and your whole life is filed 😆

    I do hope you’ll have a beer or a glass of vine with me when we meet though 😉

    Good luck tomorrow Maribeth!

  5. After the questions that the theatre nurse asked (drinking, smoking etc) you should have stumped her by saying that you do have a blogging habit, and that you were going to record of this. That would have put her in her place politely!!

    Good luck and enjoy the rest of being waited upon by the hubby!

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