Thoughts On A HOT Summer’s Day

I’ve been working all day on things, getting ready for my surgery and for the party for my parents, yet when I look around me, I don’t feel I got much done at all. I don’t seem to be able to stay focused too well on things.

I did go to the dentist, and look….No Cavities!!!

I also got my hair done and it looks pretty, soft and curly.

And my doctor called to make sure I was all set for tomorrow and not nervous. He also asked if I had any questions and was so genuinely concerned. I appreciated that. Dr. S. is a nice guy.

Here is a picture of the little problem spot on my nose.

June 26a 005

(click to enlarge)

The temperature here got up to 95 degrees, and the humidity is high. It’s genuinely uncomfortable. Ah, it’s summer in New England. This means that like every other New Englander, I am complaining about the weather. We’re a picky lot. You see in the winter we complain about the snow. In the spring about the mud and rain. In the summer the heat and humidity, and the Autumn…hmmmm, I can’t think of anything bad there. Oh my. Perhaps the Autumn is the perfect time of year!

Yes, Autumn. A perfect season, with colors bright and the air cool and crisp. Ah yes, it’s nice to think of that sort of weather on a day like this.

7 thoughts on “Thoughts On A HOT Summer’s Day”

  1. Autumn….I miss those falling leaves, the brisk air and cinnamon spice aroma from the kitchen. I love baking apple pies in the fall, lots of butter (like Paula Dean), and generous amounts of cinnamon & nutmeg. YUM!

    I hope all goes well with your surgery tomorrow, that it is speedy & successful…and you are back home in no time getting some “princess” treatment, for yourself! πŸ™‚

  2. Good luck today! It looks so small so maybe it won’t be too bad! Hang in there and take care! Love YOU, Mel

  3. You are in my prayers my friend! I can’t believe THAT little spot is IT?! I better get to a doctor! I probably have pre-skin cancer all over my body and don’t know it! What EVER made you go to the doctor??? I do know you told us… I just forget… *bad friend Melli!*

  4. Holy shit! I am catching up now. Saw your flickr photos. Hope you are feeling ok, my friend! Fabulous Dog sends lots of cuddles!

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