The Day Has Arrived

After a night where I just didn’t sleep at all, my day started off with a thud. I decided that since my surgery was not until noon-ish, I would go to Weight Watchers. I knew I hadn’t done too well over the fourth of July, but I didn’t think I had done that badly. Well, I was wrong. I gained 2 pounds! Shoot! I was really beating myself up about that until I realized that nearly every one in the class had gained weight. So in the end I didn’t feel so bad. In fact the class was such a good one that I felt better.

I came home and picked up Hubby so he could drive me in for my surgery. We arrived at the hospital and checked in. Everything went particularly fast and before I knew it they were trying to start an IV on me. I have teeny tiny veins, and it took three attempts before they got the IV started. They used novacane for two of the three attempts, and the one that they didn’t use the numbing agent on….let’s just say that hurt like heck!

Once plugged in to fluid, they wheeled me into surgery and things started. They gave me some “happy juice” in my IV, a local anesthetic in my nose and then everything started.

I do recall everything, and even conversed with the doctor while he did the operation. We reached the point where he took out the tumor and while we waited for the frozen section to go to Pathology we chatted about a few things. For instance, a song came on the radio, “How Am I Supposed To Live Without You”, and I told them that I knew the man who had written the song. He is a very good friend of one of my closest friends, and so while I lay there waiting I though of her and how special our friendship is.

Eventually the Laboratory called with the results. Yes, it is cancer for certain, but it is a Squamous cell carcinoma. This required more cutting of the area around the tumor and a slightly larger incision. Here is what I look like tonight.

July 9 008

July 9 005

Hubby was waiting for me, and he brought me home and then went out and got my medications. He made our dinner, and is spoiling me and taking very good care of me.

I slept for a while in the early evening, and I hope soon when I go to bed I will actually sleep. One thing is for sure, this thing really hurts! Thank goodness for pain medication!

7 thoughts on “The Day Has Arrived”

  1. Hi Mom,
    Well, I was glad to hear everything went well, and bonus–your hair looks great! Good that you have hubby to take good care of you while you recover!
    When will you head to CT? On Friday or Saturday?
    Friday after work, I’m staying in MA to go meet some of M’s friends. I think we will spend the night there and then move on to RI, where we are attending a wedding reception for one of his cousins who was recently married in Aruba…. Too bad we didn’t get to go to the wedding! 🙂

    Lots of love,

  2. Awwwww… well now it’s all over and done with! You can breath easy again. I’m glad it went well, and I knew Hubby would take good care of you — that was certain! Feel better soon!

  3. So glad everything went well and they were able to get it all. That scar will hardly be noticable.

    Milk the attention for all its worth and as long as you can! 🙂

  4. So glad that is all over with! I am wishing you a very fast recovery ~ let hubby spoil, pamper….and spoil you some more!

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