I woke up Sunday morning, stumbled to the kitchen to turn on the coffee maker, and glanced at the thermometer. 40 Degrees!!!!! (F) Forty degrees? No, certainly I must still be asleep….I went back, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and looked again. Yes, 40 degrees. I almost fell over. I absolutely cannot remember the last day it was 40 degrees here.
I broke out my shorts, but thinking better of it, put them away and settled on a pair of unlined corduroys, and a light weight top, and when I went out later on to see my friend Tracey, I wore a light weight jacket!
Ah, how wonderful it is to have this warmth at the beginning of February!
Our town is full of fishing enthusiasts, as we were celebrating “The Ice Fishing Derby”. It’s an annual event, where crazy people, dress in several layers of clothes, cut a circular hole into the ice on the big lake, and fish. Some people bring their “Bob Houses” where every creature comfort can be found, be it a stove, a bed, TV or this year, a hot tub!
Click here to view a slide show of the Bob Houses.
As I drove with Arnie to my friend’s home, we saw all sorts of “manly” types walking down the street carrying buckets of bait, and coolers full of their favorite adult beverage.
I had a nice visit with Tracey and her three children, while Arnie played with her little pug dog. It had been far too long since I had spent time with her, and it was so nice to visit.
Arnie and I arrived home in time to make lunch and then work at vacuuming up Fritz hair. Here we are in the middle of the winter, and my shepherd is shedding like it is spring! The Ground Hog may have seen his shadow, indicating six more weeks of winter, but he forgot to tell Fritz!
As the day wore on, the wind picked up and a cold front moved through. We had both rain and snow, but nothing that really amounted to much. In the end, tonight we have the loveliest full moon and the clearest of skies.
Anneliese posed for me so I could show you all how much melting we had, as well as the beautiful moon!
Have a good week everyone!
All I can say is that down here at 40 degrees we are in woolens and heavy coats-changes in latitudes and changes in attitudes! LOL Carol
Wow, those are so not how I pictured the bobhouses… The hot tub cracked me up too.
Sorry I didn’t get to comment yesterday, the flowers are lovely and I always LOVE that picture of Katie.
The warmer weather is a nice change. We had some melting too and it sure makes me long for spring. Love YOU, Mel
Yes, it was great to finally have some weather above the freezing mark! M and I had a great weekend–just went by too fast. We played cards in Milford yesterday, so I got to see lots of friends, which was great. We stopped at the Red Arrow Diner (newly opened, 24-hour diner in Milford on the oval) and it was great! We hadn’t eaten much all day, so we both enjoyed a rather large breakfast. It was yummy! We haven’t found a breakfast spot anywhere around us in MA (any recommendations, Janet???)
Here’s hoping Anneliese choses soon for her heat!
Lots of love,
PS: Have an interview today, and one tomorrow, and then am pending the scheduling of a 3rd, so all goes well on that front….
I was walking around Salem, MA in just a vest and long sleeve shirt yesterday…it was wicked windy, but warm!
Mandy…you guys need to try the Owl Diner in Lowell (also known as The Four Sisters); it is FANTASTIC!!! Also good is The Waffle House in Tewksbury and of course, Parker’s Maple Barn up in Mason, NH.
It was WARM down here all weekend too! WE were up to 65 degrees yesterday! I couldn’t believe it! Oh it was GREAT!!!
I hope it gets warmer here too and above all the rain would stop ! It’s such an ugly weather here !
Yesterday I saw fishers on a lake they had to be rescued because the ice had melted too quickly. It was in the States but I don’t remember where. One even died !
I have to say, I don’t really get the attraction of fishing and even less so when you are doing it in the freezing cold on ice!
40 degrees F is pretty cold to us Texans, but we have had an unusually warm winter. A couple of bouts with ice and that has been it, and that was gone in a day or so.
Is that a greenhouse on the edge of your patio? Just wondering. You know how crazy I am about ours.
I’m loving the slightly warmer weather!