Oh, The Fun We Will Have!

You know. Having had Anneliese since the moment she was born, gives me a unique perspective into the type of dog that she is.

Dec 10 018a

The most amazing thing I’d seen was when Anneliese was delivered into this world and came out squealing. I remarked to Hubby that we shouldn’t keep that one! Little did I know…

Jan 3ab 07 002


She would slowly start to grow on me. She would do the cutest things that made me smile. She never let the fact that she was a wee bit smaller than her brother and sisters keep her down. She would stand up for herself and play with wild abandon!

Feb. 18 Anneliese2


And she worked her whiles on me, until I started to slowly, completely, fall in love with her.

March 9 001

Me with Anneliese

She is three and a half years old now. We have traveled around the northeastern part of the USA, and into Canada. We’ve gone to Germany, twice. Each night she sleeps nestled up behind my knees.

Jan 31 015

Me with Anneliese

At this point in my life, I cannot imagine her not being in it. Now we have my girl facing motherhood for the second time in just a few short weeks. Once again, it will be me and my girl. We’ll handle the birthing and caring of her babies together, just like we did before.

April 27 014

Anneliese and her first litter

I can hardly wait to see what these puppies will be like. What they will look like. Oh, the fun we will have!

May 17 014

Not long now at all!

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