It’s All About…Arnie!

Looking back, I remember Greta expecting her first litter of puppies, and how she would lie next to me in my chair and I would feel one pup kicking the daylights out of her. This feisty pup intrigued me and I told Jack that if there was at least one boy, we would name him Arnold, after Arnold Schwarzenegger,  the Terminator!

And there was just one male pup in that litter. Arnie was the only boy with 4 sisters! Thus Dackel Princess’s Arnold was born.

Arnie kissing me. Janet's pictures

Arnie and me shortly after he arrived. He was such a big, lovey, puppy. I had not wanted to keep a male back then. I wanted one of Greta’s daughters to carry on with breeding, once Greta was done. So I was not allowing myself to get too close to Arnie, knowing that eventually, he would be leaving us. I sold him to a college professor. In fact, he was all set to go, but she changed her mind at the last minute and so we kept him. It was the best decision that we ever made. Arnie has filled our world with so much love and happiness and laughter!

Jan. 29 Anneliese and Arnie 001

Anneliese and Arnie at 10 weeks old.

Watching Arnie and his littermate sister, Anneliese grow, from the moment they were born has been an experience. These two are devoted to each other and even now, at the old age of eleven, they are still enjoying each others company! When Anneliese gave birth, Arnie was there. And when Anneliese was ill or had surgery, Arnie was there to protect her while she recovered.


Anneliese in the front and her snuggling brother Arnie, with his head on her back. They are so close and so tender with each other in a way that is very different from how they relate to their mother, Greta, and Lili.

Arnie has a fan club in our town. There are places we go where they know Arnie. The bank, McDonald’s drive-through, and The State of New Hampshire Liquor Store. At the Liquor Store, they asked for his picture as he is now their Mascot!


The clerks there all look forward to Arnie’s visits and he looks forward to going in because it means cookies and a lot of pats from everyone.

Imagine our surprise yesterday when we were going in and a woman was exiting the building looked over and said, “Hi Arnie” as we were walking in! We later found out that the Clerk had said, “Oh look! Arnie is here!” while she went to get his cookies!

Arnie is an amazing boy and I feel so fortunate to have kept him. He is one of those once in a lifetime animals. And we feel so very fortunate to have him in our lives. Destiny, fate, whatever it was that made the Professor change her mind and decide not to come and get Arnie that day, I am forever grateful!


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