The Weekend

Sunday morning the dogs woke me at 6:15. I got up, noted that the humidity was less, and after walking the doggies, I made my coffee. I sat, sort of in a stupor, as I did not sleep well the night before. Getting the new air conditioner in, was simply more than my old left shoulder could take, and it was really aching.

I drank my coffee, hoping for that it wake me up. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t working. By 7:15 all I wanted to do was sleep, so I did something I never, ever, do. I went back to bed! Not only did I fall back to sleep, but I slept for two hours! Really, this is something I never do.

When I did get up, I felt groggy and wasn’t moving too fast. I sipped my coffee, and Jack and I talked, about how late each of us had slept! By the time I did make breakfast, it was nearly 11:00! Which basically means, the entire day’s meals have been way off their usual time.

Because tomorrow I expect that I will have an interruption with the water, both hot and cold, while they finish up the new system, I decided to work on laundry. That’s gone pretty well, and I am even ready to cook dinner tonight at roughly 7:30 PM!

I’m cooking a basic dinner of steak, baked potatoes and tonight I am going to try making “Roasted Parmesan Cauliflower”. I am not a cauliflower fan. Jack hower likes it. So he bought a big beautiful head, and I will cook half the way he likes it, and half I will roast. If there is a God in Heaven, I will find I like roasted cauliflower. Then Jack will be able to get me to cook it for him.

Since there wasn’t much happening on TV today, I turned on “National Geographic Wild Channel“, and watched several Veterinary shows. I love animals, and I especially enjoy when these talented Veterinarians can cure an animal.

So the weekend is ending, and I am feeling like I was really able to rest up on Sunday. There are times I am unaware of just how tired I am, and then I find I sleep long hours.

Oh yes, one more thing. The new bedroom air conditioner is working very well. It’s a little noisy, but all in all, I will not complain, because it is keeping me cool.

Have a great week everyone!

3 thoughts on “The Weekend”

  1. Sounds like you really needed that extra couple of hours. I love cauliflower – grew up with it – and I roast it just with a little olive oil and seasoning when we’re trying to eat healthy. When we’re not, it’s smothered in cheese sauce!

  2. Physical tiredness is easy to recognise. Mental tiredness is harder to know and it too is cured with sleep and rest. Yes, air con units can be noisy, but who would be without them.

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