The Pony Tail!

I now have a pony tail. Yes, a year and a half after the worst haircut of my life, I can now pull my hair into a pony tail. Okay, so it’s a short one, but a pony tail nonetheless!

july 6 014a

Now why is this so important? Well, after getting a haircut that left me with literally one inch of hair all over my head (and made me look like a monkey) I was forced by time, to renew my passport. For the next 10 years I must look at that awful haircut and remember how my heart ached (and my ears stuck out).

So, I’ve been growing it. Through the good and the bad. My new hairdresser is a wonderful woman and when I get frustrated with it as it grows and ask her to cut it all off, she refuses! And because I adore her, I listen and then I open my passport and I remember and let another day go by.

How long will I let it grow? I’m not really sure. Perhaps I shall grow it as long as Lady Godiva! I can ride a horse through the streets of my town with my long hair suggestively covering my body.

Hmmmmm. Now that is almost as scary a picture as me with short hair!

Thursday Thirteen #48

Thursday 13

Thirteen Reasons It’s Great To Have Four Good Dogs

1. One of them is always happy to see you come home.
2. If you are feverish and feel cold, you can pack the pooches around your body and get warm.
3. There are no leftovers!
4. You never have to dry your feet after a shower.
5. You never have to worry about someone breaking into your home.
6. You never have to worry that the Veterinarian will be unhappy to see you. ($$$)
7. You can leave your keys in the car when you go to the Post Office and no one would dare steal your car! (Not with big boy Fritz sitting there with all his big teeth!)
8. Your life is always full with the care and feeding of the dogs.
9. You are helping to keep the vacuum cleaner bag makers in business.
10. You are also keeping the dog food makers in business as well!
11. At the end of a bad day, seeing their little faces looking up at you is wonderful.
12. Feeling puppy breath on your arm when they are asleep is so sweet.
13. Oh yes, puppy breath! The best!!!

Wednesday Meanderings

My fever broke yesterday! Yippee! Although I still feel somewhat down and out with the cold, I am doing better. Thus proving that the old saying of “three days coming, three days with and three days going” is probably true.

For my first week back on my diet I lost 5 pounds. Now I am sure I will not lose this much each week, but it was a good boost for my moral. At least I know I am doing the right things to get the weight off.

This may be the biggest piece of news yet. ARNIE BARKED TO GO OUTSIDE TO POOP! Yes you read it right. Our beloved boy is house broken and now goes to the door and barks! I have survived house breaking!

I took Greta in today to have her nails clipped at our Vet’s. She is so difficult to do, and she simply won’t let us do them, so we bring her in for her very own “Pet-i-cure”!

We have a new house sitter! She works for our Vet during the day and freelances at night. Since we live only a stones throw from our Vets office it will be easy for her to run over and walk the dogs while we are away next week at Hubby’s family reunion in Nova Scotia. She will also be living here. We are so happy to have found her!

The reunion in Nova Scotia is with the fun side of Hubby’s family. These are the cousins I get along well with and the ones I enjoy. We’ll be gone 5 days to a truly beautiful part of Canada.

I have tons of tomatoes growing on my plants, some actual summer squash, which I think we can pick in a day or two, and I saw several cucumbers coming along! My garden is growing!

The two puppies climbed into bed with us two nights ago and have made themselves right at home. Call it a family bed! Of course is Fritz decides to join us we may have to move out and leave the king size bed to the animals!

The Kinds Are Back

Matina and James arrived back for their annual visit with the grandmother (and me!). Their first stop upon arrival was at our house to meet Greta’s babies. Of course calling them babies now seems pretty funny because they are nearly as big as their Mum.

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Anneliese and Arnie with Matina.

July 15 009
Greta, Arnie and Anneliese with Matina.

Greta remembered the kids immediately and she went to great lengths to lie down on the ground and get belly rubs from them. She was absolutely shameless!

The kids were so excited to see the two puppies. The children of Greta! They’d been waiting for two years for this day to come. The day when Greta had her babies and they got to meet them.

It sure was a happy time all around. For the doggies, for the kids and for me too!

Summertime Colds

I woke up in the night with shaking chills. Oh darn it! A summertime cold. I put on my winter bathrobe and pulled the comforter tightly to my chin and climbed back into bed. I have a high fever and I’m all congested and coughing.


But the good news is, I have three wonderful nurses! Greta, Arnie and Anneliese! They have been by my side, in my lap, or on my chest, but always comforting me. It’s amazing to me how these little creatures know when you aren’t feeling well and they seem to find you and provide a great deal of comfort.

Hubby has been taking care of me too. Getting me drinks and some chicken broth. I know I need to force the fluids, even though my throat is sore. I don’t have much of an appetite. (This is good for my diet, yes?)

So I am kicking back and taking this easily and hopefully I will feel better very soon.

Puppy Training

I’ve been working with the puppies to make them respond when I am outside with them and they are off the leash. I want them to come when I call them. In the past they ignored me and just went on their merry way, but I have learned a little secret.

You see, I have these horrible smelling liver treats that the dogs all love. They will do just about anything with the hope that they will get one of these things. So before I take them out, I fill up my pockets with these things.

The puppies will run around, they will even start to go to the big field in back of our home, but one call to them now reminds them of the liver treats in my pocket and they come running back!

Today I tried a little test. I walked up the hill to our neighbors house, with the puppies off leash. They followed happily and played in the yard. Whenever I noticed them starting to stray, I would call out “TREATS“, and they would come running back to me.

I know I cannot trust them in the yard. I still have to watch them like a hawk. I am, however, feeling pretty good about how their off leash training is going.


We harvested the cherries today. This years crop was not as large as last years, but the cherries sure are good!

July 12 007

These are Lapin Cherries. Many people are surprised that you can grow cherries in New Hampshire, but there are several varieties you can grow here. So far the Lapin has been our best producer.

The cherries are bright deep ruby red,and they have the most wonderful flavor! Sweet and full of juice! Mmmmmmm!

A few weeks ago we wrestled with a net to keep the birds from stealing our cherries. Some of you might remember last year when we netted the tree because the birds threatened our crop. Once again this year we netted the tree, but for a shorter time. Still, wrestling with that net again made me laugh. You see, it is worth every struggle and tug to get it over the top and then wrap the net around the tree. These cherries are really that good.

We’ll eat some and share some and enjoy our first crop of the season. I wonder what our next crop will be? Cucumbers? Squash? Zucchini? We just love growing things.