What Did You Do With My Hearing Aids?

I was having a fairly easy going day today. I’d straightened out my closet, brought some things into the formal dining room to put in the big suitcase we will use on our trip, and even unpacked our ski parkas and hung them up in anticipation of a good season once we return from our trip.

I remembered that Hubby had a meeting to go to, and I reminded him. He dashed into the house and changed his clothes, shaved and began pacing around. Where did he leave his hearing aid? He knew I had it in my big purse. I looked and no, it wasn’t in there.

I looked in my closet. I looked in his closet. I looked in his dresser, his bedside table, the coffee table. My heart sank. Those things are expensive!

He had to leave, and he left me to “find” them.

Oh, great. No stress there!

Off he went. I looked everywhere again, twice, three times. I tried to remember the last time that he’d actually used them. (He hasn’t adjusted to all the noise yet.)

My heart was racing and I started to sweat. As if there wasn’t enough stress at the moment, Arnie started dancing around because he had to go out to do his business.

Then it hit me. I’m not sure why, (Perhaps I have a Fairy God Mother after all!) but I went back into his closet and went to his suit jacket. I reached into the pocket and there it was,n the case holding his hearing aids! Joy filled my heart. Blessed relief! Then I got a little angry and stood in the middle of the floor and screamed!

Hubby will be home in an hour or so and then I plan to make him beg for my forgiveness! If he is very sweet, I shall consider it!

PS: Hubby said it was a great meeting. He couldn’t hear a thing!

5 thoughts on “What Did You Do With My Hearing Aids?”

  1. This morning Ron was ready to leave for work when he couldn’t find his car keys. We hadn’t been out since Saturday night in his car. He looked and then had to leave taking the extra keys that we have for his car, leaving me to find his keys. No pressure there.
    There is nothing I hate more than a search. I looked all around the house. In the couch in case they had fallen out of his pocket, in my pocketbook in case they got thrown in there, in the driveway where he parks his car. Well, when we went out Saturday for dinner he wore his suitcoat and they were in his suit coat pocket! This is true! I am laughing my head off reading your blog when I had the same kind of a day.

  2. Yep – my hubby does the exact same thing.

    ~~and usually, before I find it…right under his nose…he has caused tremendous stress for himself, our doggie, and ME!!


  3. The Mar family is always looking for misplaced things… and I am supposed to know where everybody left their very personal things…I can totally relate to your post!!

  4. Hello my dearest Maribeth,
    all I can say is “MEN”. Volker is the same one like Jack. Always when he “misplaces” anything he tries to make me feel guilty for and he expects I will find it… let me repeat…so are MEN!
    Love Uschi

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