November Skies

Yes, another season is upon us. I could tell that it was so, the moment I woke up this morning. The sky was that dark gray that seems to creep in, in November. The air felt dry and cool, and the leaves, the ones that remain on the trees, still shock the senses as they contrast against the morning sky.

It’s on mornings like this that I feel lazy. Part of me just wants to stare out the window and contemplate the falling leaves and the passage of another season in the year.

I ran out to get the mail at noontime, and during my travels I saw a flock of wild turkeys! Of course I had no camera, not even my cell phone! Rats! But I stopped and watched them for a moment and thought, “Yep, it’s November. The Turkeys are here”.

I returned from getting our mail and made lunch, and just as I sat down to eat I saw the turkeys coming down the hill into my back yard! Quietly and slowly, so as not to wake the dogs, I got my camera and headed out to the back yard through our guest room.

Nov 1 009

Nov 1 012

I think they came to see me. They knew just how much I wanted a good picture of them. They stayed in the yard for about half an hour and then moved back up the hill and into the woods.

Perhaps this is another reason I love living where I do. I truly enjoy certain types of wild beasts when they roam into our yard. Turkeys, birds, chipmunks, squirrels are all okay.

The skunks, moose, deer, bears and porcupines can just keep on going down the road!

4 thoughts on “November Skies”

  1. hahaha good thing the dogs didn’t see the turkeys…you’d’ve had the fixin’s for an early thanksgiving dinner.

    there’s a flock of 5 turkeys that roam the neighborhood here. I see them almost every morning on the way to work!

  2. Oh geez, the poor things with Thanksgiving ahead, lol ! You had your meal right in your yard ! They look so beautiful. Now I doubt if I could eat one at Christmas !
    I finish my suitcase now and then this afternoon I am off to Egypt !! But I will blog from there.

  3. Wow now how cool is that, having wild turkeys in your yard. Sure ain’t gonna happen here anytime soon. I have been thinking of Thanksgiving dinner alot lately but you made me remember the first thanksgiving and pilgrims.

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