Meg’s Friday Five

In friday five

1. What was the last thing you made from scratch?
Stuffed shells. That was dinner last night.
2. List your top five indispensible web sites/utilities.
Spell check, File upload, dogs, imagination, Meme’s
3. What nice thing did someone do for your this week?
A friend brought me back real Saffron from Istanbul!
4. What nice thing did you do for someone else this week?
Washing clothes and cleaning out moldy things.
5. List three great things about this past week.
Good weather, dry days and cool nights

6. In what zip code did you lose your virginity?
7. What are your plans for the weekend?
packing up Old Boy’s things.

One thought on “Meg’s Friday Five”

  1. 1. What was the last thing you made from scratch?

    A pumpkin pie. Well it was out of Libby’s mix.

    2. List your top five indispensible web sites/utilities.

    spell check, audio, I can;t think of anymore…

    3. What nice thing did someone do for your this week?

    A reader bought me a gift certificate!

    4. What nice thing did you do for someone else this week?


    5. List three great things about this past week.

    I feel the baby move and kick everyday..that’s it really!

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