
On Friday we went to the hospital and set up to celebrate the birthday of our mother. Mel had baked an Angel food cake, and our cousins, Janet and Larry came, and we had flowers and balloons and sat telling stories and jokes. We laughed and we cried, but it was a good day for Mom. She was the belle of the ball! As it should be.

Her doctor and the Physicians assistant brought her flowers and a card. These two women have been truly wonderful and respectful, caring for Mom. They have made her feel special.

I showed her videos of Savannah as well as pictures. We got her a meal from one of the food trucks outside the hospital. Have I mentioned how much I now love “Food truck Food”?

After singing Happy Birthday and eating cake, the nurse came in to put a heparin lock in Mom’s arm. I was scooting my chair forward and slipped and landed face first on the bedside table! Yes, it hit my scar and yes, it hurt so badly that I couldn’t breathe, talk or move! The nurse just about fainted, I think and ran off to get ice.  She also wanted to know if I needed a doctor.No, but the ice helped.

I managed to take some pain medication I had with me (I wasn’t driving), but still have pain tonight! Everyone was teasing me that I should have been named Grace-less!

When I left, it was with bittersweet feelings. But Mom knows how I love her and that I hope to see her in a couple of weeks when they settle her in hospice.

This birthday was not perfect, but for Mom it was joyful!

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