Thursday Thirteen

I haven’t done this in a long time, but I thought it would be fun to do a Thursday Thirteen about me, on this, the day before my 59th birthday! So here goes. Thirteen things about me!


  1. I was born in Wareham, Massachusetts. Mom said it was a bitter cold day, but nice and sunny. I weighed in at 9 lbs and 1 ounce, and was 23 inches long. Mom swears I nearly killed her.
  2. I was blessed to have a brother, Dickie, who was 7 years older and a sister, Melodie, who is 5 and a half years older. When we were really young we did a lot of things together. One time we rented a cart, where two people peddle and the three of us drove all over town. Many of our parents friends were amazed to see us actually wanting to spend time together.
  3. When I was 8 years old I played Gretl in the Sound of Music. That was a big time in my life. I learned my lines with my Mom helping me. I found it actually quite easy  as I had a fairly decent memory. I also love to sing and the Sound of Music songs were simply the best. Looking back I think it was this time in the community theater that gave me so much confidence.
  4. The first time, I married young, and had two beautiful daughter before I turned 20!  Despite the fact that the marriage didn’t last, at least I can say that we have remained friends.
  5. My daughters were the best thing that ever happened to me. Giving birth to them, raising them, and watching them grow, are at the top of my list of all time most fabulous things!
  6. Seeing Mandy grow in her life and have her own children, and a successful career also makes me feel very happy for her.  My daughter is the most amazing woman. I am so proud of her!
  7. Finding Jack and having a successful second marriage also has brought great happiness and a lot of adventure and love. It also helped me believe that love can find you the second time around,
  8. Becoming a grandmother is the best thing ever. I remember holding Savannah for the very first time. Oh the joy that welled up inside me, cannot be described. Looking in to that beautiful little face, It was as if I had known her all of my life. Even now, five years since her birth, I still feel as though Savannah has always been with us. And my love just keeps growing and growing.
  9. The same could be said about Quinn. I held him just a couple of hours after he was born and the moment I held him I knew, that he, like Savannah, had captured my heart and each time I see him, my heart grows a little more.
  10. You know, that is the thing. Those two little ones, have a place in my heart and soul that I didn’t even know existed! Oh yes, being an Oma, a grandmother, is just the best.
  11. I am also blessed with the fact that I am best friends with both my sister, Melodie and cousin, Janet. I have literally known them all my life and cannot recall a time when they were not there. These women love me unconditionally and this is a wonderful thing.
  12. I also have met several women that have become sisters by choice. These women are always there for me and I am blessed. You know who you are! I also have made friends with several men who are like brothers. Especially my brother in-law, Ron. I have known him since I was 8 years old and the night of my car accident, he sat with me in ICU. My other “brothers”, also know who they are and I thank you all!
  13. I love my dackels! I first saw a wire-haired dachshund when I went to Germany with Jack to meet his dear friends. They had one, named Shubi and it was love at first sight. I knew then that I had to have one and I dreamt of breeding them. I did not know then that I would breed Greta and keep two of her babies. Raising a brother and sister from the same litter has been one of the most interesting and loving parts of my life.

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