Thursday 13 #29

Thirteen Things That Are Said On Thanksgiving Day

1. Do I have to get up to stuff the turkey and put it in the oven now?
2. Mmmmmm. It smells good in here.
3. Do I have to set the table now?
4. Mmmmmm. It smells so good in here.
5. Is it time to get out all the good dishes for the dinner?
6. Mmmmmm. It smells good in here.
7. When do we eat?
8. Not until then?
9. Do we have enough silverware for everyone?
10. Mmmmmm. It smells good in here.
11. I can hardly wait for the chestnut dressing.
12. Time to eat!
13. I can’t believe I ate the whole thing!!!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things.

Our 4th of July Celebration

Yesterday was one of those wonderful days. Here in America, it was the 4th of July! Independence Day. We celebrated with my cousin, Janet, my Uncle George, And Hubby’s Army buddy, Ed and his wife, Janis and daughter, their daughter, Alison. What a great group to get together and celebrate!
From noon until 3, we sat outside enjoying a continuous bevy of appetizers. Homemade salsa, chips, clam dip, and stuffed eggs. Everyone brought different beers to try, so we had Yuengling, Michelob Ultra Lite, and Samuel Adams. We also enjoyed some mixed beverages, and for some of us, just plain old soda.
At 3 PM we moved our party onto the screened in, and covered porch, and set up the TV so we could watch The World Cup match between Germany and Italy.

We broke out the next course of goodies, which were a fantastic potato salad made by my cousin, a yummy bean and mango salad made by our friend Janis, and shish kebob fixings (recipe will be posted for the marinade).
Hubby got his new grill going and soon we were all making the shish kebobs and Hubby was grilling. I cooked corn on the cob and in no time we were sitting down to eat a fabulous 4th of July meal!

Because no 4th should be celebrated without some sort of luscious dessert, I ended our food orgy with this cake.

After our guests departed, the sun set, and soon fireworks blazed in the sky. We watched until the grand finale. Then my bed beckoned me and somewhere around 11 I was in lala land.

Happy 4th Of July

It’s The Fourth of July here in America. The day we celebrate our Independence from English rule. I think we have also moved toward celebrating our freedom. Most families celebrate with barbecues and general gatherings. And of course, fire works!
The fireworks start several days before the fourth. Neighboring towns will coordinate so people can go to all the events in their area. My sister can go to a fire works display for three of four days! Fun stuff!

Quite a few years ago, when my daughter and Hubby’s daughter were with us on the fourth, (they were both in their early teens) I set about to teach them safe handling of fire works. They loved sparklers and so that was what I selected.

I showed them how to hold it at the very base of the stem safely.
Well, you know me. Nothing ever really goes the way I plan. I lit the sparkler and it malfunctioned and blew up in my hand, burning me pretty badly.
I ran inside and grabbed a bag of peas and off we went to the Emergency Room. Where they cleaned and dressed my hand. And I got a lecture on fire works safety.

It was then I realized that I needed to never handle fire works again. And I haven’t. I have been very good about letting the professionals do all the display work. You just never know when you might get a bad one and have it explode like that.
So to everyone out there today celebrating the fourth, please be careful and safe.
Happy Independence Day!!!!