A Day In The Life

Today was my yearly physical. I hobbled up to my doctor’s office with my cane, feeling like a 90 year old lady and checked in. My doctor gave me a good once over and aside from the knee, which he said was still quite swollen and full of fluid, I was proclaimed well!

I then hobbled home and fed the doggies, all seven of them, and then finished making Hubby his dinner.Thankfully, tonight’s dinner was a crock pot meal and there was very little to actually do once I tossed it all in the pot.

As I made the last adjustments to the meal before serving it, I looked over and saw this:

Feb. 19 001

Feb. 19 002

Now how cute is that? I spoke to them and I could see their little tails start to wag and then the next thing I knew four of them were at the gate.

Feb. 19 004

Arnie, Angelika, Anneliese, & Anja

They’ll be leaving soon, you know. Going off to their new homes. Our life will get back to the semi hectic life of those with two dogs and a puppy to housebreak. I’m looking forward to it, but I also know that I will be sad to see the little monkey’s go!

I finished feeding them, and then Fritz and Greta and then Hubby. Once we were done, and he dishes were in the dishwasher, I quickly got on my warmest pajamas and got into my chair, with a pillow under my knee.

Hubby made me a fire in the hearth and the puppies are asleep. Life is good, and for at least a little while it is once again quiet.

Tattoo’s And Snow

Last night we decided to do the prep work for the tattooing. We got out each pup and shaved the inside of their right ears. I have to tell you right now, there were more yelps and cries during the shaving of the ears than during the tattooing the following day. All I can think is that the noise of the shaver scared the little sweethearts.

Carrie, the co-breed warden for the NATC, examined each of the puppies as well. She checked to make sure that there were no problems with their tails, ears and belly buttons.

Sunday morning after we all had breakfast (puppies and humans), we got down to business. Each puppy is assigned a number. Arnie, because he is a male got the first number.

Feb. 18 Arnie 2
Feb. 18 Arnie

Then Angelika
Feb. 18 Angelika

Feb. 18 Anita

Feb. 18 Anja

Feb. 18 Anneliese 4

It’s a fascinating process. Carrie has a punch that she sets with the numbers to be used. The punch is basically a set of pins. She cleans the ear with disinfectant, presses the punch quickly into the ear and then rubs the ink into the holes in the ear. Due to the fact that I chose to have green ink used (like Greta), I now have 5 puppies that look like St. Patrick’s Day doggies! I’ll leave the ink on for a few more days before I give them each a little bath.

To reward them for their good and brave behavior we took them outside to play in the snow for the very first time. They loved it! How wonderful to run and jump and roll in the snow!

Feb. 18 021

Feb. 18 Anneliese2

Feb. 18 Anneliese

So, at the end of the day, they are tired and so are we, but I can happily report to you all that the puppies are fine and happy and not scarred by the experience. Me? Well, just a little! LOL

The Day Is Here

Today the puppies will be tattooed. Now I would never get a tattoo myself, but it is the rule that all German doggies get tattooed in their right ear. I’m not sure who will cry more, them or me. I shall, of course, report how it goes.

Bernie’s Mommy is coming to hold my hand while the Breed Warden for the North American Teckel (dachshund) Club does the tattooing.

Feb. 10 Anja, Anneliese, Anita Arnie

The little bundles awaiting their tattooing!

A Perfect Fit

Have you ever worried about making the right decision, then made it, and instead of worrying if the decision you made was the correct one, you just know that it is? Okay, maybe I am the only person who worries like this, but I was really having a problem trying to decide between the two little pups, Anneliese or Anita.

I am so happy that Anneliese made the decision for me! LOL


Today I was in the kitchen working on dinner. Anneliese was watching me and she was not happy that I didn’t put down what I was doing to come and play with her. The next thing I know I looked over and sitting in the basket of newspapers that forms our high barrier was Anneliese. She had scaled the barrier, and was just sitting there on top of the newspapers observing me.

Apparently she scared herself because I stopped and went over to make sure she was okay, and she was shaking like a leaf. We hobbled down to the office where Hubby/Daddy was working on his computer, and he held Anneliese for a while and talked sweetly to her, until the shaking stopped. Then I took her back to the puppy room and put her inside with her brother and sisters.

Feb. 15 001

She climbed into the pig pile and fell asleep.
(Angelika is watching me)

Thursday Thirteen #40

Thursday 13 puppy

“Thirteen Things I Have Enjoyed About Having Puppies In The House”

1. Watching Greta as she quickly developed in her pregnancy.
2. Watching her babies being born.
3. Holding that first baby in my hands. (It was Anneliese who came out screaming!)
4. Seeing Greta awaken from her c-section and automatically know these were her babies.
5. Seeing how instinct took over, and Greta became the best mother, not even leaving her pups to go outside to do her wee-wee.
6. Watching Greta count the babies and make sure they all got to nurse.
7. Watching the puppies eyes open and then focus.
8. Watching their first clumsy crawling movements.
9. Seeing the pups play with each other for the first time.
10. Seeing them actually walk for the first time.
11. Watching the first puppy climb out of the whelping box. (Anja)
12. Seeing them eat, run, drink and chew on a rawhide for the first time.
13. Finding my new little friend, Anneliese…..

Feb. 4 Anneliese with Angelika

She’s The One

Well, here she is, my Valentine!
Feb. 13 010

As you can see she has an incredibly sweet face. Also noticeable, is the fact that while the other puppies are all ignoring me, she has looked up to see me standing there.

She is the first one at the gate, always. She will fuss and whine until she is in my arms and then settle down, and she has started to get to know Fritz and he actually came over to her today, while she was sitting in my lap, and sniffed her. I can see he is starting to get interested in her.

She has stolen my heart and I can see her making a place for herself in our house. Now, we need to find a good home for Anita, and I will be happy.

All my puppies are good babies, but somehow, Anneliese has chosen us and I can’t help but think that this is a very good thing.

What’s Your Vote?

I looked over at the puppy room and standing at the gate was a little puppy with a slightly shaggy face and big raisin brown eyes. I swear that when I see her, she smiles and gives me a little bark, as if trying to say, “Come and get me”.

I picked her up and hugged her close to me, and I could feel the warmth of her body. As she cuddled under my chin, I looked down at her and she planted a big fat wet kiss on me.

I’ve pulled out Greta’s baby pictures and flipped through them. She looks like her mother’s twin! I hadn’t realized that. I am so pleased to see this because I think Greta is really beautiful!

She sat in my lap today and we encouraged Fritz to come over and get to know her. Oh, she loves Fritz so much, and yet, he is still really nervous around her.

She has decided that she is home. When she sees Hubby she acts the same way with him as she does with me. It’s the oddest thing. We hadn’t really decided to keep her, and yet, she has decided to keep us.

So which one is she?

A Genius

I was lying in bed this morning, having just woken up from a restless night sleep, when I suddenly had a wonderful idea! Yes, this was the idea to end all idea’s, and it’s implementation would ease my life considerably.

I got up and got my cane and hobbled out to the puppy room. As I passed the coffee pot I flipped it on. I picked up a puppy and carried it into our living room where I have a playpen set up.

Feb. 10 Anneliese

I plopped it into the playpen and went back for another pup. After I had all 5 pups in the playpen, I set a dish of their food in there and left them.

I went back to the puppy room and rolled up the well used newspapers, swept the floor and then washed it. Then I lay down fresh newspapers, fresh water and a dozen new puppy rawhide bones.

By this time the puppies were all done with their breakfast and I was able to bring each one back to the puppy room, where they soon discovered the rawhides! Each pup got their own bone and for the next 2 hours we had peace and quiet.

Feb. 10 Anneliese looking at me
Anneliese is the one looking at the camera
Feb. 10 Anja, Anneliese, Anita Arnie
Anja in the red collar, Anneliese, Arnie and Anita. Angelika is in the back with the pink collar.

I drank my coffee, ate my breakfast and even read my email. Yes, I am a genius!

The One About Poop

I am flexible. I had begun to think that I wasn’t during my first month at the health club. However, in the last week I have learned that I am not strong, but I am definitely flexible.

You see, since I hurt my knee I have still had to clean and maintain the puppy room. This means cleaning up their poop and wet newspapers. How do I do that when I can’t bed my knee? I bend at my waist, that’s how!

I wasn’t certain I still could move like that. After all, it’s been years since I actually had to do that. Although I have the dachshunds, I have always had the ability to bend my knees in order to pick them up. Bending at the waist? Well, not so much.

Nothing will get you bending faster than 5 puppies about to leap into their own poop!

I get up each morning and hobble out to the puppy room. I am always equipped with a large kitchen garbage bag, a pooper scooper and a bucket and mop!

I’ve got this whole, clean up after the long night thing, down to a science, but you have to move fast. Fast is something that, no matter how hard I try, is simply not possible when I’m dealing with a painful knee. Moderately fast is about all I can do.

I clean up, put down fresh newspaper (which, of course, is fouled quickly), and then I feed my little munchkins. I do this, by once again bending from the waist, and placing their dish on the floor.

Then I make coffee.

Yes, even more amazing than the fact that I am able to bend from the waist and accomplish so much on the floor is, I do it all before I have my first cup of coffee.

Yes, I know. I rock!