April Fools Day 2014

I’m getting better using my left hand for mouse control. Oh, I still mess up from time to time, but this morning I wanted to make a new desk top picture for my laptop.


I have to say working with the one hand was a challenge! But in the end I got this picture collage of Savannah put together.

It was also on Monday that Fickr/Yahoo implemented changes that caused chaos on my accounts as well as Hubby’s! (Was this their April Fools Joke?) I do not even want to tell you how long it took me to get things straightened out. And all with one hand splinted behind my back!

In fact I will admit to a bout of frustration where I accidentally knocked over a glass of juice, which fell into Greta’s dog bed! Thankfully, she wasn’t in it at the time. Oh well, it needed a washing anyway!

It is frustrating. Not having a functioning hand. I sure hope it gets better soon.

Crazy Day

I saw the Plastic Surgeon on Monday. Let me tell you about my day, as it was rather bizarre from the time I woke up, right up until the day ended.

First, I never set my alarm clock, because my own internal clock is far more accurate as any clock in my house. But for whatever reason, I decided to set it last night. I’ve been so tired with this cold that I thought it was prudent.

You guessed it. The alarm literally sounded and woke me up out of a dead sleep! I jumped up, took a quick shower, made some coffee and off I drove toward my cousin’s house.

I called my sister, and while I was talking to her I saw a beautiful Doe near the highway’s edge. She was blowing her hair dry but I yelled “No Bambi! Turn away from the traffic and run, little Bambi, run!”

Fortunately, I did not see if Bambi did or didn’t and that is just fine for me. I think I would rather not know.

A little further down, a fender bender accident. I couldn’t help but think that that would be a really crappy way to start ones day.

As I entered the Everett Turnpike, I noticed a van coming down an on ramp going a little too fast, and you guessed it, he rolled the van off the road and over a time or two into a ditch.

Needless to say I was getting a little spooked by all the accidents. However, I simply kept going and was very careful as I drove.

I picked up Janet and she drove the rest of the way into Boston. We saw two more accidents, and a major detour because they had dug up the road. Oh yes, and there was the tropical like rain storm that we had too!

I saw the doctor and will have more surgery on November 11th and really the doctors appointment only lasted about 15 minutes.

Then we headed back to her place, stopping at a 5 Guys Burger and Fries for lunch.

We also started to see more wildlife. Turkeys! I am talking really big birds! Between her house and mine I think I saw at least a dozen.

Finally when I pulled into my home at 4 PM, there were the best beasts of all! My four fury friends!

Ah yes, it is so good to come home!

Cleaning Monday

After a night spent feeling like I was going to jump out of my skin, due to having to use my inhaler, I woke early. Despite the lack of sleep I quickly dressed after breakfast, and started in.

The vacuum whirred, and sucked up the dog hair and dust, and I was about half way through when I noticed that the family room curtains need a serious washing!

I got them down, and started the process of laundry, dusting, and meals. I was thrilled with my productivity!

The house is in pieces all around me, as I clean, when Hubby walks in with our new neighbor! Ugh! I talked to him for a while, and then, mercifully they went back outside and I could get back to my work!

I even got to wash the dog beds and blankets, for which Anneliese was very grateful and Fritz turned up his nose! He like his blankets smelly, I guess!

As I write, I have only the valences left to do, and the rest of the house is looking really great! I told Hubby that we would have a dinner of leftovers, and make things easy for me. Tomorrow I’m making a herb crusted roast beef.

This confirms what I have thought for a while. When seriously stressed, I either am frozen with inactivity, or I clean! Much better for all when I clean!

This really is a pretty house! lol!!!

What A Crazy Day

On Thursday I just couldn’t seem to catch a break! I woke up early, and thought I would have a great start on things, but it just seemed like I was walking in molasses. I did two loads of laundry. Good. I made three meals today. Good. I managed to feed the dogs. Great.

I did not get to wash the cabinets in the kitchen, or go through the two boxes of junk from the motor-coach. I didn’t get to do some writing I need to do, or pay bills. Heaven forbid!

I did plant the last eggplants, peppers and started on the pea strings, but pathetically, I only got two stings in before the rain started. Oh heck, actually the rain wasn’t that bad, but my back sure was!

I did go out to get a prescription for Hubby. Now this sounds pretty easy and straight forward, right? Well, Hubby is diabetic, and his supplies should be covered by Medicare, but suddenly it was all screwed up! Apparently this is happening everywhere.

The nice Pharmacist told me he would get it all straightened out, and at 7 PM he called to tell me that he finally did!

The dishes are done, and the dogs are sleepy, and I finished making my bed with crisp sheets and a freshly laundered blanket!

Good Nite All!

Usernames & Passwords!

Today when we picked up the mail, our new credit cards arrived. You know, we’ve had these cards forever, but we just got the replacement card for the next couple of years.

Anyway, this card gives us cash back on each purchase, so we put a lot of our monthly bills on this one. Great, right?


What we found as we signed in to change the cards information on each site was that we had to go through a long process to reestablish a password, and they want weirder and funkier passwords along with security questions that even the guys on the “Big Band Theory” wouldn’t get!

Hubby and I struggled. There was a lot of moaning, groaning and swearing! And as of right now 8:50 PM on Thursday night I have all but one done. The last one I fear I will need to call about. I just cannot seem to get in to correct it.

So am I the only one who is challenged with user names and passwords? Does this make you crazy too?

The Oscars

Who watched the Oscar Awards on Sunday night?

I did and I thought it was the nastiest award show I have ever seen! There is a fine line between edgy humor and being down right mean! Seth MacFarlane was just plain mean!

From the opening act, to the bitter end, when he and Kristin Chenoweth sang the “Loser’s Song” I was truly shocked and horrified!

I wonder, who thinks this stuff is funny? If he was saying this stuff about me, I would be offended. I know my skin isn’t real thick, but do people anywhere have thick enough skin to withstand his assault.

Add to that the song about boobs. You know what, it is bad enough to endure commercials for incontinence products, but I do not want some jerk who has never had to harness a pair of boobs, singing about them!

The winners were not unexpected, and the gowns beautiful, if not costly (I think one could buy a house for the cost), and the Hollywood types once again patted themselves on the back.

Did you know that each Oscar nominee will receive an “Everybody Wins at the Oscars” gift basket, aka Swag Bag, worth just less than $48,000. They have to pay taxes on this “gift”, but that is chump change in Hollywood.

Perhaps Seth MacFarlane was right to diss them the way he did, but somehow I truly like most of the actors there and felt nothing but revulsion for his twisted humor.


I was having a lazy day today, you know, in my pajamas until noon, not doing too much, mostly surfing the Internet, when I decided I really should dress and go to the grocery, mail and the seamstress, who was fixing a pair of corduroy jeans, that I had split! (OK, I know. I really need to concentrate for more than 1 week on my diet!)

So, I got going around 12:15 and did all of the errands, and arrived home in time to get lunch ready for Hubby.

I’d planned the rest of my day. I was going to catch up with a little laundry, and probably read some.

That’s when Hubby remarked that we were going to be having company. Sometime over the next few days!

Company!!! Oh no!!! Not when my “Dust Bunnies” were in the process of multiplying! And the dust! I do not even want to go there! Let’s just say, the dust was so thick you could easily write your last will and testament legibly!

I knew I could not clean everything at once so I divided it up. I washed the slip covers to the sofa, vacuumed and dusted every surface in the family room and kitchen, and started important laundry!

I know, if they come before Monday, I am screwed. I just cannot get it all done. I’m afraid it will have to be love me for myself, not for my ability to clean house. Meanwhile, I am prioritizing. Tomorrow I am washing up the guest room and guest room bath.

In my own defense I must say that I have a huge house well over 2400 sq. feet! I also have four dogs and a husband, and none of them really help out with the house work. I do love my house, but I don’t like cleaning it. My next home will have a lot of closets and basement storage, and be a whole lot smaller upstairs!

And The Beat Goes On….

After a frustrating weekend with Windows Vista, I decided that since I was still technically under warranty with Toshiba, I would call them and see if there was anything to be done with my laptop. I’ve been so upset that I am not sleeping well, and can hardly think straight.

You all know I have the worst luck with computers, so last time we decided to get the three year warranty. It ends in June of this year! Where has the time gone?

Anyway, the young man told me that yes, he could help. I was entitled to the XP discs, and all I needed to do was pay for shipping and handling. Hubby isn’t too happy about that, but I sure am! In a week or so, the discs will arrive and I can start all over again.

What this means is that I need to back up all my music, and a few other things. Mostly I backed it all up- when I brought it in last week.

All I can say is that I love you, Toshiba! That’s for making it right!

Now, about Windows Vista. What a piece of crap it is! The woman who used the back up discs to get my machine running again, told me that there was no difference between XP and Vista. (Lie!) She told me that she has never heard of anyone who didn’t like Vista. (Lie!) Also, that her own 80 year old father loved it! (If he does, he probably doesn’t use it much.)

On my Facebook page, my friends and family told me to get rid of Vista. Go for Windows 7, which I can’t do, due to the fact that I don’t have enough RAM. Oh, give me XP any day, and I will be happy.

I know one day, down the road, we will need to upgrade our system, but for now, I am so happy knowing that XP will be arriving shortly and my machine will be it’s old self once again!

Are We Off The Air?

If you are reading this instead of another post, it means that my laptop is still in the Laptop Hospital getting it’s hard drive fixed! I have tried to down load everything and back-up all my documents, but it will take a while for the shop to get the problems under control. They said, if all goes well, I might get it back on Wednesday night!

So i will see you all on the other side! Wish me luck!

Update: the laptop’s recovery discs are Windows Vista. Not XP! Not happy but hope I can work with it. I guess now is time to start learning new things. The machine should be back on Thursday or Friday.

Thursday Thirteen, Hurricanes & Earthquakes

This weeks Thursday Thirteen has to do with Hurricanes and Earthquakes, or why I decided to move back home to New England after living in Florida for six years.


  1. This map shows that the state of New Hampshire may very well get some rain and wind come Sunday or Monday.
  2. When we lived in Florida, I did not go through a named hurricane, but rather a “no name” storm that went through in the spring and flooded everything and caused damage with high winds. I sure was scared.
  3. Hubby was away then. He was still working, and I was alone with the two dogs, (Max and Shubi) and the TV set, until the lights went out. I did not sleep that night!
  4. Hubby and I are hoping that we do not take a direct hit from Hurricane Irene. It would seriously reduce our crop of apples, by forcing them off the tree.
  5. Sadly, Hubby has experience with that, as a terrible storm went through his larger orchard years back (before me) and most of his crop went on the ground and were sold for apple juice.
  6. As a child on Cape Cod, I do recall some really bad storms. I was in awe of them.
  7. For those wondering, we did not feel the earthquake on Tuesday. From what was said, I believe the fact that we live surrounded by mountains shielded us.
  8. I have only felt one earth quake. years ago, Shubi stood up in bed and began to howl. I felt a slight sway and that was our earth quake. 2.9
  9. A few weeks later, The Old Man in the Mountain, fell from his lofty perch. You can go HERE to read more about the Old Man.
  10. Hubby and I have been thinking that this is turning into one really weird year weather wise. Add to it the earth quakes in Japan and the eastern part of the USA, and then you have truly bizarre happenings.
  11. I used to think that New Hampshire was a good choice. Far enough away not to worry about Hurricanes.
  12. And no problem with earthquakes!
  13. Boy was I wrong on both counts!