“The Games Of Life Olympics”

I was sitting here watching the Olympics when I started to think that real people don’t do what these athletes do. Real people have aches and pains, sprain wrists and ankles, twist knees and trip over their own feet. Come on, could any of us really swim that fast, or do multiple flips on a balance beam?

I started thinking about the real Olympics. You know, the ones we live with every day. Like, “Navigating Your Way To The Coffee Pot In The Morning”, or “Carrying A Full Basket Of Laundry Down To The Basement While Wearing Flip Flops”.

I wondered what I might be doing now that would give me a gold medal, or at least honorable mention in the “She Survived” category.

We all know that my skiing skills are such that I should be very careful when going down hill. I should also be careful when being outside as I can’t afford to lose anymore of my nose to skin cancer, and reaching over counter tops is also a category best left to younger stronger backs than mine.

Lets see what can I do in the “Games of Life Olympics“?

I truly excel at feeding 4 dogs at one time without loss of limb.

I can carry arm loads of groceries up the stairs without killing myself. (At least most of the time.)

But probably my biggest accomplishment is that I can make microwave popcorn without burning a kernel!

So what is your special skill? What can you get a “Gold Medal” in, in this game called life?

10 thoughts on ““The Games Of Life Olympics””

  1. I would hope for a Gold Medal in watching/entertaining Grandchildren so that they all have fun, laugh, and get creative while with me. And want to come back over and over again….

  2. Well, I must say, in my YOUNGER days I was ALL GOLD at running through the house full speed, barefoot, without stepping on ONE single Ninja Turtle or BAD guy! But now days about the best I can muster is successfully washing the dog in the upstairs bathtub with the shower hose while actually keeping her IN the tub! OR successfully showering MOM in the upstairs bathtub with the shower hose while actually keeping HER IN the tub!!! You pick!

  3. Like Melli, I used to be able to navigate a room full of toys without tradgedy. Right now I’m pretty happy with remembering how to knit, dealing with the garden and it is thriving…not so much the tomato garden right now, though, but nobody around here has homegrown right now.

    I’m so glad your daughter came to Texas. Sunday the temp was 106, yesterday the high was 92 and right now it is 80. We didn’t get any rain at our house, but the cloud cover is wonderful. She probably doesn’t believe it gets this hot here.

  4. Haha! Very creative, Maribeth… the “Games of Life Olympics”!

    I think I would win the gold medal for multi-tasking… I can reply to an email, talk with hubby and watch TV at the same time 🙂 🙂

  5. I can do the same what you do except feeding 5 cats and no dogs (and a husband, but not in the same bowls) but I think I would win a gold medal in talking ! (at least my better half would give me one without hesitation !) Tomorrow I return home !

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