Weight Watcher’s Class

On Wednesday I returned to Weight Watchers. I had been unable to go since before Thanksgiving. I was so nervous and although the “news” wasn’t good, the fact that I went back and now want to start and get myself back on the losers wagon, is good news indeed!

Last year wasn’t good to my waistline. With all of the surgeries, and the fact that I looked like Frankenstein, I just did not care how many chocolates I ate, or cookies, or anything else that was going to make me fat. What did it matter?

However, my face has healed and my body is not the body I want to be walking around in. So, it was back to class I went.

The other members were all so wonderful and made me feel welcome to be back once again. I listened to everyone and today I just kept my mouth shut. Sometimes you just need to soak things up.

I have a long way to go, but I promise to keep you all up to date on my progress.

3 thoughts on “Weight Watcher’s Class”

  1. hmmm…well, it matters to your health! Your face isn’t the only, or even most important, part of your body! I am saying this gently, with love <3

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