Tis The Season Of Busy-ness!

I went to the dentist today. He thinks I have a sinus infect on top of an overly sensitive tooth, so I have prescription tooth paste (?) and an anti-biotic for the sinus problem. I think in the new year I am going to make an appointment to see the Ear, Nose & Throat Doctor about these recurrent infections.

Meanwhile, the last few days have been full ones. Wednesday was Weight Watchers, and then a Ladies Luncheon, Thursday was a lunch with my girl friend, Laurie and the visit with my dentist. I have an admission to make. While he was checking for the aching tooth, he hit the tooth and I snapped my jaw shut, and bit him!

I really felt bad and I started to apologize all over the place and he laughed and told me that the first thing they teach in dental school is not to leave your fingers in patients mouths for long!

Please pray for a healthy tooth that will not need to be root canaled!

Tomorrow Hubby and I finish our Christmas shopping. Not too much left to buy. Then Saturday I get my locks dipped into the fountain of youth, and come home to wrap gifts. (Note to self: must get out the wrapping video on You Tube and watch again.)

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