Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Do you wear your heart on your sleeve, or keep your emotions tucked in tight?

Oh I tend to be an open book. Although, as I age I realize there are times I have to tuck it up, and be the one who doesn’t flip out.

When Katie died nearly 30 years ago, people came to the house to bring food, and they would come in and fall apart. Oddly enough, for the first 6 months, I was comforting them. Looking back, I think that is so strange.

2. How did you meet your closest friend?

I am lucky to have several amazing women in my life.

My sister, Melodie, cousin, Janet and daughter, Amanda are all special family members and friends as well! I am so lucky!

Uschi, I met online on a German Dog Web Page. We’ve been email friends ever since, and have been so lucky to spend various vacations together.

Gail, I met when I was 13 at Summer Bible Camp. It was strange because we never imagined we would be life long friends, but here we are and I am so grateful to God!

Candy, I met in Church in Florida. We share a great love of music. Singing in the choir together while I lived there.

Carol 1: I met in Florida, as we both were Lay Eucharistic Ministers. She is an amazing woman.

Carol 2: I met when I joined Weight Watchers. She is very much both friend and mother to me. I am so blessed.

3. Pink lemonade, grilled salmon, cotton candy, pink grapefruit, a strawberry milkshake, or raspberry sorbet…of the pink foods listed, which one is your favorite? Least favorite? Which one have you most recently consumed?

Are you kidding? I just listed myself as a lifetime member of Weight Watchers. I love them all!

4. When were you last ‘tickled pink’ over something? Explain.

Perhaps this past weekend. I babysat my favorite little girl grandchild, and had the best time playing with her, eating lunch with her, and watching her nap. Then in the evening, Mandy and I went to dinner with my cousin, Janet, and her sister in-law, Sue. We had such a great time! After dinner, we went to a painting class! That was so much fun!

5. Are you a fan of television talk shows? Daytime, nighttime, or both? What’s your favorite?

I used to be. I loved Regis and Kathie-Lee. Now I occasionally watch Kathie-Lee and Hoda. But mostly, I don’t watch them anymore.

6. When was the last time you wanted to ask a question, but felt too foolish to do so?

Long, long, ago. In my 30’s I finally got it into my head…the only stupid question, is the one you don’t ask!

7. My favorite evening treat right now is Klondike Sugar Free Ice Cream Bars .

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I’m in the process of making fresh blueberry muffins for breakfast. Hubby is still sleeping, (It’s 9:45 AM on Tuesday morning!), so I thought I would spoil him with some sugar free muffins!

2 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. More snow on the way, not much now but Sunday night into Monday there may be more. UGH! Love YOU, Mel

  2. I think what you mentioned in #1 is not unusual. People tend not to know what to say, and they want to be a comfort to you, but it seems to be the other way around initially. I wish we were neighbors-I’d love a homemade blueberry muffin with my coffee this morning : )

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