Friday Five

Another Friday is upon us, and this week was a pretty busy one for me. Besides the usual, here are the five highlights of my week.

  1. My grandson, Quinn, is like, super baby! This six month old baby, is sitting up, crawling, and pulling himself to his feet! It will not be long until he is walking!
  2. 14390912_10210471677809918_4307484474248521964_n

  3. The finger I sliced last week has healed up very well. I love ‎Bacitracin. That and keeping it clean and dry, and the slice healed beautifully.
  4. I made one last batch of tomato sauce. It came out well, and since I wanted to use part of it right up, I got a spaghetti squash to have as my “noodles”. Hubby had pasta.
  5. Poor Hubby has been suffering with bursitis in his shoulder. He goes on Monday for an injection. I hope it will help him feel better.
  6. I woke to 38 degrees this morning! When I went out to walk the dogs I could see my breath. Coldest morning this fall.

I hope your weekend is great and that you are planning something fun to do. Autumn is my favorite time of year, due to the crisp air and the slightly shorter days. I know that sounds funny, but the dogs seem to sleep better, thus I actually get some sleep too!

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