How wonderful the last 24 hours have been! Or as I like to say, how good it is “when love comes to call”!
There are people in our lives that share special places in our hearts and whether we see them every day or every few weeks or even every few years, they are always right there. Special. Loved.
Friday our friends from Hubby’s flying days arrived during their cross country motorcycle trip! They have a beautiful BMW bike and a trailer with a little ventilated compartment for their faithful companion, a Lhasa Apso/poodle mix, Oliver.
They arrived here at 2 PM in their heavy bike clothes. I mention this because we had our first 90 degree day yesterday, and I know they were both cooked through! I brought them inside, gave Oliver a dish of water, and hydrated Tom and Dorene with some flavored water.
We sat in our kitchen with all 5 dogs sniffing each other and getting to know each other (all went well) and talked about life.
Tom and Dorene have known Hubby since 1966 when they were all based in Hong Kong, flying R&R flights for Pan Am. Over the years Tom and Hubby remained friends even sharing apartments near various airports.
When I came onto the scene, many people resented the difference in our ages, but they opened their arms and their hearts to me and a deep friendship was formed. I really adore them.
We have not seen them in a few years now, but it didn’t make a bit of difference. We took right up talking as though we had just seen each other yesterday. Have you ever noticed that it’s like that with some people?
They were so exhausted when they arrived that I told them that they had to stay, so they gladly accepted the invitation and they were our guests last night.
So, where did we go for dinner? Those of you who are regular readers will know that we went to Canoe! It was fabulous, as usual and we talked and ate and talked and ate some more!
When we were done we came home and played with all the dogs until 11 and then we all went to bed.
This morning I got up, made coffee and fresh muffins along with bacon, eggs, fruit and juice for our breakfast, and we helped them to pack up their bike. At 10 we bid them a fond farewell.

Oliver in his little trailer/crate. Getting ready in the second picture, and lastly, they’re off!
At 12:15 my daughter, Amanda arrived. She brought with her a photo book of pictures she had taken of the puppies when she brought her younger sister up in January. It is the cutest thing.
Then we took off to another local restaurant for lunch. The Common Man restaurant was a delight. Hubby and I had French onion soup, and quiche, and Amanda had a lobster chowder and glazed chicken. Very nice!
We came back home and since there is a neat Craft Fair taking place locally, I thought perhaps this would be a nice opportunity to walk the puppies in a crowd and to spend some alone time with Mandy. I was right on both counts.
Mandy and I wandered around the fair, enjoying the breezy spring day and introducing the puppies to the world. Arnie was fine. He was friendly and warm and happy the entire time. He is such an amazing animal. When I think I might not have kept him….
Anneliese was a little more timid. The noises and the other animals made her just a little nervous at first. I assured her that all was fine and encouraged her to keep exploring. By the end of the walk she was doing much better.
So when my cousin Janet comes up on Monday we will take the pups over to the Craft Fair again for another walk. I just hope that the weather will remain sunny, warm and dry.
I really enjoy spending time with Mandy. I look at her and I see a truly amazing woman. I’m so proud to be her mother.
We came back to the house and sat outside watching the dogs play and Emily came by. She will come over tomorrow and help us plant the garden.
Mandy had to leave then and get back to her home. Maybe next time we get together we can go on a shopping spree! It’s been a while since we’ve done that.
Now I just have to make a little supper for Hubby.
Yes, at the end of a day, “when love has come to call”, you feel happy and warm and well loved!
I told you that lobstah chowdah is awesome!!! So glad you had a good weekend, and even more glad there’s a craft fair! Woohoo!
What a wonderful, happy post! so glad you are having such a splendid weekend!
Sounds like a perfect two days to me – keep going and try for three!!. Enjoy. Love, Carol (PS note email address is changing)
One of the nicest posts I have ever read! I loved reading it and felt the LOVE!
Sounds like a fun time! I love their little caboose for the doggie! 😀
Oh, such wonderful to have so old friends visiting 🙂 Fantastic to be out on a ride like that – and taking the dog with them.
..and going to that restaurant too. I’m feeling hungry now….