For the Vertically Challened…

Ever thought of what you would do it you had three inch legs? My three dachshunds will tell you that there are times that life can be quite a challenge. For instance, getting into a people sized bed, or perhaps a higher chair, can seem almost impossible to the “little ones”. It’s why I have now become a full convert to “doggie steps”.


These wonderful little things are the new addition to our home. We had one set when Greta was expecting the puppies (those of you who were around will recall that she did not want to use them!) but it wasn’t until we allowed Arnie and Anneliese to be free in the house that we realized that we needed a couple more sets. They love them and they use them!

May 31

I saw an ad for 2 sets, for the price of 1 set. I excitedly ordered them thinking they would arrive in a few weeks. Six weeks later they arrived.

Hubby spent a few minutes putting them together and then we set them in the family room and the bedroom, and showed the pups their new stairway heaven! (Or to human contact!) It’s amazing how something so little can mean so much to the vertically challenged!!!

2 thoughts on “For the Vertically Challened…”

  1. Maxi has two sets of those. One downstairs for the couch and upstairs for the bed. It took him for bloody ever to use them but now he uses them all the time….They’re wonderful

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