I have post party exhaustion. I was doing really well until about noon on Thursday and then it hit me. I wanted nothing more than to lie down and take a long nap. Of course this wasn’t to be as there was still a lot of cleaning up and laundry to do. So in between changing the laundry and putting the serving dishes away, I sat quietly with my coffee and relaxed.

I’d hoped to just sit outside some on Thursday, but it was very hot and very humid here and the few times I ventured outside, this did not help my headache.

Oh listen to me, what a fuss budget I am! LOL

Actually, when I look back over the last 24 hours and I see what a great time we had and how well things went, I can only be pleased. It was a great mix of people who all got along well together, and best of all there was not only good talking done, but a lot of laughing too.

Thursday night there were fireworks here in town and I enjoyed every moment of them. Oh, how I love the bright lights, and even the sound of the rockets that shoot them off! Just like a child, I guess.

My dear old friend and neighbor, who enjoyed the puppy visits, is back in the hospital and not doing well. It saddens me, but I think, at 83 we must expect this. Still, when I get to be 83, I want to still be dancing under the stars and dreaming dreams of dackels in my future,

Janets pics 095

until one day I lie down and wake up with God. I pray this will be the case.

4 thoughts on “TGIF”

  1. Hope your friend gets well soon. Age 83 isn’t what it used to be, ask my FIL who just turned 80 and has many, many plans and “er ist fit wie ein Turnschuh”, he is fit as a Tennisshoe!
    Happy friday!

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