No Cavities

Tuesday was my appointment with the dentist. I have hated going to the dentist since I was a little child and went to a real jerk, who seemed to delight in making small children cry. For many years I would go, but have anxiety attacks about the appointments.

Then I decided that if I was to maintain my teeth in a good and healthful manner, I would simply tell the dentist right away that I am afraid of them and that worst of all, I BITE! (LOL)

Surprisingly, I have discovered that there are a lot of people my age who have had experiences like mine. I call myself a “Dental Chicken“. In any case, there are now bright young dentists who want to make us happy and not cause us any pain at all.

Since finding Dr. T. I have become a model patient. I make my appointments in advance, I use an electric toothbrush, and I floss. I even keep floss in my pocketbook for use after very chewy meals.

Today Dr. T. gave me, not just a clean bill of dental health, but he told me that my teeth actually look better than they have in a long time. I told him I am sure that it is due to the electric toothbrush.

I left after a very short visit and felt so happy and carefree on my drive home.

Yay! No cavities and clean teeth!!!

9 thoughts on “No Cavities”

  1. I am so happy you had a good check-up! And I am so happy I told you about getting an electric toothbrush! I love mine and my teeth feel so much cleaner too.

  2. How funny, MB~~I had a dental appt yesterday, also. My hygienist uses this awful salt spray to give the teeth a really deep cleaning; do you get that? It makes your mouth feel good……eventually…but at the time, it is very hard to endure!!


  3. I am in the same case ! I would rather prefer to meet a robber and murder then going to the dentist ! My dentist never hurt me and is very careful but still that fear is in me there is nothing to do ! Of course I go for regular check ups but my heart is always hanging down !

  4. PLS – tell me how to be a dentist model – we have only Cat teeths – but out two legs have some teeths not good for hunting.;))

    Great post

  5. OH, your singing to the choir on this one!!!

    When I went to the dentist as a child, I was going for braces, I had to have all of my molars removed prior. This was when I was 13.

    The crunch came a the chairside assistant was holding my head, and the dentist using both hands on the ‘plyers’ to remove them!!!

    Needless to say, I never went back (for 13 years at least) and only because I had a cracked tooth which had to be removed.

    Anyway, as much as I still hate going, we have an arrangement between him and me. He gets in a ‘green wistle’ thingie that they use in the Ambulance which helps sedate the patients, it is more of a calming thing than anything, but it WORKS! I now, almost, enjoy going to see him, but I still break out in sweats!!

    Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the prayers and best wishes… We will post how everything goes along the way!

  6. I am actually the antithesis of you, MB: I have *always* liked going to the dentist. Perhaps because I have been blessed with strong, healthy teeth. Anyway, it’s funny that I would come upon this post; today was *my dental cleaning appointment!

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