The Pony Tail!

I now have a pony tail. Yes, a year and a half after the worst haircut of my life, I can now pull my hair into a pony tail. Okay, so it’s a short one, but a pony tail nonetheless!

july 6 014a

Now why is this so important? Well, after getting a haircut that left me with literally one inch of hair all over my head (and made me look like a monkey) I was forced by time, to renew my passport. For the next 10 years I must look at that awful haircut and remember how my heart ached (and my ears stuck out).

So, I’ve been growing it. Through the good and the bad. My new hairdresser is a wonderful woman and when I get frustrated with it as it grows and ask her to cut it all off, she refuses! And because I adore her, I listen and then I open my passport and I remember and let another day go by.

How long will I let it grow? I’m not really sure. Perhaps I shall grow it as long as Lady Godiva! I can ride a horse through the streets of my town with my long hair suggestively covering my body.

Hmmmmm. Now that is almost as scary a picture as me with short hair!

9 thoughts on “The Pony Tail!”

  1. Hey Maribeth,
    Thanks for stopping by, I have passed on your well wishes to Louise!
    You have the flu too?? Where in the world are you (other than the southern hemisphere) where it is winter, or do you have the flu in summer, ewww…
    Oh, love the new hair style, will we get to see the ‘Passport’ shot by chance, I hoe so…

  2. Congrats on your pony tail, Mom! I am actually working on growing out my bangs right now, and they are so long now they completely cover my eyes (but won’t go back yet!) They drive me nuts!

    Hope the rest of your week has gone well. I’ve been working at MGH in Boston the last two days, but am back in the office today (hoping for a 1/2 day! We shall see!)

    Have a great day!

    Love you,

  3. Well I’m sure we’ve never seen you looking like a monkey. You always look cute as a button in your pictures.

    Glad you’re feeling better and hope you have a great time in Nova Scotia. It really is such a beautiful place.

  4. Did you at least throw something at the hairdresser that cut your hair that badly? 😉

    Great to be able to do a ponytail in the summer heat, isn’t it1

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