Health Certificates and Suitcases

I took the puppies to the Vets on Monday for their Health Certificates. This way they can go to Canada and come back across the border. It was kind of exciting taking them back to the place where they were born. It seems like just yesterday that I held those tiny pups in my hand for the very first time, and now they are proper doggies. Large, (Arnie weighs 17 pounds and Anneliese is 14 pounds) able to walk around and make friends and sit and stay when told to do so. Okay, they’re still learning about that, but they’re trying.

The car ride was uneventful, which was good because Canada is a very long ride from here. We are leaving at 6 AM and do not expect to get to our motel until 9 or 10 PM. Yep, long day for puppies and humans!

I came home and got out the suitcases and we started to pack. All the puppy things are packed. The suitcases are on our bed and most of the clothing we plan to bring is folded neatly inside them.

That’s when I noticed one very big thing.


Poor Greta knows we are leaving and she is not happy about it at all. She is sulking and giving us the cold doggy shoulder already. She knows. Fritz? Not so much. I know he will be a little upset when we go, but nothing like Greta. She really gets her nose out of joint!

2 thoughts on “Health Certificates and Suitcases”

  1. Do they also have to have a chips in the ears or a tatoo ? Even cats have to have a chip now when you take them into another country. Animals have a terrible instinct when you go away. My cats when they see the suitcase they immidiately sit in and don’t want to get out and when we come back they are very cool and offended ! What a long trip you have before you ! Wish you a nice one with good weather and no traffic !

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