Ramily Reunion Day 2

The Relaxed Family Shindig

After sleeping in a bit this morning, we had a leisurely breakfast in our motel room. The dogs were up and playing and Hubby and I watched the TV and drank our coffee.

At noon, we headed over to the homestead
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where we sat around, shooting the breeze, watching the dogs play and taking countless pictures.

Cousins from all across Canada arrived and we shared a nice casual meal that seemed to last all day. I call it familial grazing!

The pups are now familiar with the house and the yard and we were able to take them outside and allow them to play in the yard.

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Hubby and Arnie
July 27 016
Anneliese and Arnie

Soon the sunset,
July 27 018
and the band arrived, and bluegrass music was played.
July 27 024

Poor Anneliese had a little bit of a nervous breakdown when she saw the musicians arrive with all their instruments, and suddenly our group of about 20-25 people nearly doubled.

We stayed for about an hour listening to the music before we left to come back to the motel. Saturday is our formal banquet and a dance. It should be a lot of fun!

3 thoughts on “Ramily Reunion Day 2”

  1. I am so enjoying your vacation and the pictures you are sharing. Thank you so much for sharing your life through your website. I can’t begin to say how much enjoyment I am getting out of it and to think I don’t even know you or these people but it doesn’t make a bit of difference. What a beautiful place it is!

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