Things have been sort of strange lately, I thought I would use this week’s Thursday Thirteen to tell you about it.
- I was driving to my Ladies Meeting today and I noticed all the Vendor Tents being put up in Weirs Beach. This Friday is the start of Motorcycle Week. This means that my little piece of Heaven will be overrun with motorcycles, campers who bring their motorcycles, and motorcoaches filled with people who are towing a trailer with motorcycles. It gets pretty noisy up here from about 10 AM until 1 or 2 in the morning. It’s not my favorite time of the year, but after being shut down for Covid, many businesses need the cash that the Bikers bring. I hope everyone stays safe!
- Today I was driving home after Jack had part two of his hand surgery done, and I saw a very large turtle in the road. I put on my Emergency Flashing lights and jumped out of the car with a beach towel. I’ve been watching countless episodes of “Northwoods Law” ( A TV show about the Fish & Game Departments in both Maine & New Hampshire) on National Geographic Wild, and so I was ripe for a rescue! At that very moment, a young man stopped his motorcycle to help.
Well, my goodness, this was a very large “Snapping Turtle“. The young man seemed to know what he was doing, as he gently lifted the turtle at the back of his shell and we walked her over to the edge of the water, which is where we suspect she was headed. While we did this, I stopped traffic and looked at the man, and said, “Well, we just did our good deed of the day!” Really. It made me so happy to do this.
- I was unhappy with the coverage of the French Open Tennis. I love to watch tennis, and unfortunately, The Tennis Channel has the rights to this Grand Slam this year. Now I have The Tennis Channel on my Satellite, but now they have “Tennis Channel Plus, ” advertised on the regular channel. My problem is that they took several of the really good matches and only showed them on their premium channel! Now, not everyone can afford to spring for their “bonus” coverage. It makes the tennis coverage for the French Open for the “Elites only”! Sad. Just sad!
- My daughter gave me a box of Teas from India. I enjoyed all but one of the blends. Not a fan of Tumeric Tea. But I also had Darjeeling Summer Tea. Which I really fell for. Upon discussing this with Jack, he said that Darjeeling, First Flush Tea was the very best.
I was almost out of the Summer Tea, and I looked up the grower on Amazon and ordered myself some of the Darjeeling First Flush. Oh, my goodness! It is spectacular! It is perfect! I am now truly a spoiled Tea Drinker! - My meeting on Wednesday was so full of laughter and merriment. I realized that the last year+ has been so serious. Today we just let loose and the joking and teasing felt so darn good. How lucky I am to belong to this group.
- I’m amazed at the larger birds that have been in my neighborhood this year. Eagles, Hawks, and of course the pesky Crows. I do love the Eagles and Hawks. I love watching them ride the currents during these hot days.
- We also have several families of Canadian Geese downtown. The chicks are still a soft yellow as they waddle around with the parents.
- I was thinking about the Mod Squad today because I was watching an episode of Law & Order and Clarence Williams III was the guest star. He played Link Hayes in the Mod Squad. He was so cool and a very good actor. So I looked him up only to find out he’d passed away on June 4th of this year. Rest in Peace, and thanks for the memories!
- I’ve been a wee bit on the tired side this week. I haven’t been sleeping well. Now that Jack’s hand is done, I actually have nothing on my calendar until next week when Lili goes in for her dental (teeth cleaning).
- My grandson, Quinn, graduated from Pre-Kindergarten!
Next year he will be going to all-day Kindergarten and his sister, Savannah will be in 4th grade! These two are growing up so fast!
- Has anyone noticed that there is almost nothing on the TV right now worth watching? We have resorted to streaming a few programs, but honestly, TV is a bore. So I am reading. I really do enjoy a good book!
- My plan for tomorrow is…laundry and shelf clearing and cleaning in the kitchen. I would like my counters to look neat!
- And lastly on this crazy list is my wish that each and every one of you is having a happy and healthy day!
While I am not a daily tea drinker, I do like a good cup of tea and the best I have had was when served in the Malaysian highlands. I don’t know what it was, but gee it was nice.
So much to watch, but still we say, ‘There is nothing on tv’.