Sunday, Busy Sunday

What a Sunday we had!

We were up early with the pups, had coffee and breakfast and then headed to our local community park where we can walk the dogs and let them swim in a lake there. We wanted to get an early start so that we didn’t have to deal with high temperatures and the high humidity.

No one was there when we arrived and so once we were down the path a bit we let the dogs off the leash and let them run. Oh what a joy it is to see the dogs running fast and free through the woods.

The walk went faster than usual due to their quick pace and soon we arrived at the lake. Hubby had brought with him two sticks to throw for the older dogs and he started right off with them.

Hubby and Fritz
August 25 006

Fritz and Greta swimming.
August 25 007

Anneliese watching her Mum.
August 25 015

The puppies were so interested and they also went in. Once even swimming out a ways in the lake. I wish I had been faster with my camera.

I did, however, manage two pictures of them at the shoreline. Here is Arnie.
August 25 005

And Anneliese.
August 25 020

We came home and I rinsed off their mud, and we had our lunch outside on the patio while we watched the dogs. Lunch consisted of our first corn on the cob from our garden!

August 25 024

During lunch Hubby noticed Anneliese rolling around in the grass. Not a good thing. This usually means that she has found something terribly stinky to perfume herself with. Yep, that was it. Apparently it was so stinky smelly that Arnie just had to share the joy and he also rubbed his newly clean body in it.

So out came the towels and the doggy soap and once again, I was giving doggy baths. Then I wrapped them up in towels and brought them inside the house.

We watched the Red Sox trample the White Sox on the television and then went out to meet our friends for dinner at a Swiss/German restaurant. I had wiener schnitzel and Hubby did too. Dessert was tobler cake and ice cream. Yum!! I think I should stop eating for a few weeks now!

The day ended with us watching mindless television and playing quietly (ha) with the dogs. One thing is for sure, it is seldom quiet when I play with the dogs!

It was a good Sunday though, a very good, Sunday!

6 thoughts on “Sunday, Busy Sunday”

  1. It sounds like so much fun!!! we had a lazy sunday with much reading done as it was way too hot and humid to do anything else…Played with our friends’ Schnauzer, they came over for a light dinner and Jessie (the dog) enjoyed chasing the neighbors’ cat.

  2. Sounds like a great day, Mom! Glad to hear it! I also had a good one! I woke up and did a few things around the house, then had softball. We won our game by 2 runs. I came back home with Dainya and played some cribbage, while also watching the Sox. Did grocery shopping, some cleaning and some laundry, and that was the day…. But a nice one, and I got lots done too! This coming weekend, my friend Doug from Florida is visiting!
    Have a great day!
    Love you lots,

  3. They look like they have the time of their life.

    My old dog went crazy every time we only were close to a lake, he just LOVED to play in the water. I guess it’s like kids, most of them love to play in water too – for hours 🙂

    Funny (not) thing that behaviour of them to roll in stinky things. My dog were only make an attempts once to roll in some manure, but I stopped him and after that he never did it, butt I had a friend and her dog always did seek up unpleasant things… YUK.

    That corn really looks delicious. Sooooo fresh!

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